
If that was the case, it would be equally inaccurate to say that the moniker "flamethrower" is insisted upon by flamethrower owners.

Well, about 80% of murders are committed by felons against felons, so I think it's safe to say that murder pretty much always gets committed by career criminals.
I'd imagine most mass shootings are committed by people with a death wish, but that seems more like an argument for criminalizing open carry than an argument

Assault weapon is certainly not a term insisted upon by AR-15 owners. Why would an advocate for something demand that it have a violent moniker?

Not on a federal level, but many states pass laws. Additionally, the ATF are dicks about the import of certain firearms/ammunition, depending on their mood. I'm not sure if that counts though.

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of criminals conceal their weapons. First of all, it's illegal for them to possess weapons with a felony conviction (Unless they get approval from their governor, but I've literally never heard of that happening), and secondly, why would you want to draw attention to yourself if you

Of course your opinion matters. It's just woefully uninformed. My father's opinions on banks matter, but I certainly wouldn't trust him to try regulating them.

Well, as long as you admit you have no knowledge of the things you seek to regulate.

He said the analogy doesn't work, and continued on to say that even if Dikachu presented the argument inaccurately, commenting that such misrepresentation lowered the standard of discourse significantly.

I have a lot of arguments against gun control, and those things aren't analogous.

I'm not sure if just anyone can pick up a truckload of items which cost $600-1200 on average

Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Colorado, and California are the ones where new laws passed, I believe. Similar laws were presented on a federal level, and in most states.

Two things: What would you offer as a remedy to the problem of gun suicides, and why is it your business to try and protect me from myself

I'm genuinely interested in hearing you define "semi-automatic assault-style rifles."

I assume the author meant accessible in the sense that laypeople could understand it easily