the blue rose of stark

Perfect show for a horror steampunk party isn't it?!
Hey Dorian Gray- you're my guest of honor.
My only guest .
The hell with honor.

Yes it played to fine wierded out effect but why and how did Vanessa's doll look so life like ?
The others looked like well, freaky wide eyed toy dolls.

I was not surprised to see grayscale on Jorah after the scene played out. Obviously it was the Connington book scene. Still I was horrified.
The thing about that grayscale scene was ((BOOK SPOiLER:))
Is Tyrion -though he was in the water and touched by one of the men —grayscale free? He is now but—— how does he escape

To me she looks as pale as a ghost. No ——more like she's bloodless. And wearing that black shroud like garment with a heavy onyx ring around her neck ? She looks like walking death. Or DARTH VADER.
They wanted to portray her as dark- and they're doing one a helluva job! I am so into Sansa's character this season I've

One thing I now know for sure—- the horror that is Grayscale is here to stay.
But Jorah? Oh my God.

Scene: Chess Game at Winterfell
Ramsay: Your move, m'lady.
Sansa: Checkmate.
Ramsay: WHAT did you say?
Sansa: Checkmate.
Ramsay: Did you hear what the Lady Sansa said, Reek?
Reek: Yes I did, m'lord. Checkmate.
Ramsay: Well, What do you think we should do about it Reek?
Sansa: Yes, Theon, what should we do?
Theon: Slit the

Oh MY God- grayscale

Isn't the last name STARK enough in itself?
Theirs isn't a loud strength. It builds and builds——— and yes I wait and wait and——

Really I know what you're talking about but I'm still holding out for( what was ) Theon. I have to. He let Bran and Rikkon live.
One thing for sure. This season keeps getting better and better ——and darker and darker——

Maybe maybe not.
But by God as I'm watching this episode, I could slit that lower than scum Ramsay's
throat myself. I have to have faith that Sansa, Stannis and hopefully Theon will save the North.
Something GOOD has to come of season 5!

Ramsay: Your move Sansa
Sansa: Checkmate.
Ramsay: What did you say?
Sansa: Checkmate.
Ramsay: Did you hear what my beloved said Reek?
Reek: I did m'Lord.
Ramsay: So what do you think we should do Reek?
Sansa: Yes , Theon what should we do?
Theon: Kill the Bastard, m'Lady.
Sansa: Yes, let's then.
(Hidden Sword in hand ,Theon

No no no. NO.
Has it been authenticated? That was it on the description?? Where is Mike Sellers?
Word would have gotten around about this pretty damn quick. How and where was it listed on eBay?
There are WAY too many unknowns here
-the first:
Was a guy by the name of Rod Serling selling it ?
-the second:
From a place called

Idea-if GOD FORBID Katya doesn't win—can RU make her/him a judge???

I don't actually see her as plus size. I see her as small- cute. Guess that's me though. She's considered plus size but maybe cause she's so talented I don't see it. And the red hair looks good on her.
( Or uh oh—- maybe I like her more than I realize. )

Yes you do have a point on Bianca but she was so strong personality wise. No comparison there.

Oui oui monsieur ! She's damn good. And that bootiful snug little butt.
Oh. MY. Gawd.

Wow Pearl has a real fan club here ! You all are getting me hot and bothered :^o

Is Santino gone permanently as a judge?

I agree. I like Ginger but - Is she the whole package? It's all about her comedy, acting, whatever. She is one gifted, very talented performer. But runway -glamour- fashion sense wise, she doesn't compare to, say Violet.

Yes, I agree- Ginger is pushing the 'poor little me' vibe and her insecurities are showing . But ok girl, you're not the only one feeling it.
She is extremely talented, (her Adele and Babs characters were 2 of the best ever on Drag Race) but I don't think she's anywhere near a given glamour wise.
The pony comin up from