the blue rose of stark

I was kidding around- believe me-I'm the last person who wouldn't be serious about that.


I can't imagine if you have any compassion- not appreciating that storyline. And during that scene I did cry. Haven't we all felt alone and misunderstood at one time or another? If we have any shred of honesty in us?
I think Rory Kinnear's work on PD is Emmy worthy.Will he even get nominated. Probably not but it was

Yep sounds good it's a date :)

To the reviewer —-no mention of now Supreme witch Hecate's lilting Irish tune of a dead leaves turning a promising Spring green right before she knocks over a candelabra worthy of one of Liberace's pianos setting Hell House ablaze?
Then makes a clean getaway, her carpetbag full of instruments in tow ???

Yeah I agree with you. Too soon. If they keep on going into everyone's personal angst too much, it's gonna BE too much. I'm already too much into Woodrough's closet .
The relationship between the principals last year was rough but it was also funny and vibrant, balancing the weight of the crime and personal stuff

If I asked nicely would it make a difference ? : '(

God he was a hunk wasn't he?

The only thing Lifetime is doing is making me realize that TV then? Was even more mindless and self centered than I thought !
But the backstory? I mean the backstory of Melrose Place??? Oh like how exciting.

Well. I always said Hannibal would be better served on the Food Network. They need a good show on human delicacies prepared properly!

Ok which one of you dilgent AVers beat me to it?

He's Bolton. He's a FLAYER.

Dear HBO I can't forgive you for this odd night time (????) RUSH wedding under the gleaming WEIR WOOD TREE .
BUT the rape of Sansa and the end of the episode?
I Can't forget that

That scene - after Tyrion goes in the water and the screen blacks out? I had a severe HBO panic attack .
It felt like I was watching the finale of The Sopranos all over again.

FYI : I'm starting a Team Stannis Baratheon fan club, Monday night after each episode for AVC GoT newbies- Trust me, Erik Adams is a better writer and those book experts know nothing Jon Snow.
1.) At the meetings you'll wear your House Baratheon sigil T shirt.
2.) We will discuss each episode, like the Samwell Tarleys

Well Ramsay never makes love-
he always RAPES—- so I have to disagree.

Oberyn WAS last season.

For me, this is the BEST season so far. Not only is it getting better and better? But Darker and darker.

Perhaps these conversations portend some bad times ahead for him. He is by nature a doomed character anyway, don't you agree?

I agree . They connected on a level not of this world. I wish we could see more of them together. Their fragility was so touching- their connection exquisite. Wonderful acting by both.