the blue rose of stark

Everytime Stannis is in a scene we should hear "I Did it My Way " in the background .
Now really! does that fit him to a T or what?

Hey are you making a joke at my favorite character's expense? Okay so he's a fighter not a lover !
Oh wait- is that supposed to be the other way around?

True. But we all saw it or had the option of seeing it didn't we? It came on DIRECTLY after the show. I mean that's in no way a book spoiler.
That being said, a couple of important scenes were shown in these particular previews. But that's on HBO— not ANY indivuals who of course are gonna watch them. And are MEANT to

And oft times they came in trusty.
(To say the least)

Why would he do that anyway?
Knowing that Tyrion could be his key back to the good graces of Dany? Am I missing something ?

No, it's not—very cool - a sort of GoT leprosy but even worse. & It's very strange that Shireen suvived it.
And 'they' DO keep bringing it up which could (hopefully not) be cause for concern.

I'm interested to see the animated art sequences. Kobain as a graphic artist ? That can only be uniquely genius.
The myth lives on —— If only he had.
The thing I always wonder - what if Love had never entire his life. Heroin? She was long into that before she met him.

You're totally correct.
Cersei calling him back means trouble. When he gets to King's Landing -most likely he won't be able to leave as soon as planned.
Which means that Sansa may have to marry Ramsay without Littlefinger to protect her.
Truthfully — I can't believe he does NOT know about Ramsay's sadistic nature.
The 3

Littlefinger going to King's Landing, leaving Sansa in Winterfell is horrific. Her last words to him —"When you see me again I'll be a married woman." made my skin crawl. I am mystified -He HAS to know what a terrible chance he's taking with Sansa-using her as a pawn for power.

Wow when Melissandre she said " You know nothing Jon Snow, " I think I had a more stunned look on my face than Jon.
Is the red hair a preference, coincidence, meaningful or none of the above?

Stannis. I always knew you had a Baratheon heart underneath that armor of yours.
His lovely story to sensitive Shireen was a character breakthru.

Especially if one thinks of Hairspray :(

Oh did you hear me ?

Oh you're right.

Well you know Juju is in class all her own. She touched so many hearts.

Yes I def agree. Except for the epic twinsies to Michelle's No More Lies— This season's syncs are really wah —wah.

Michael Landon was the BEST.
No I take that back. This show was the BEST ♡


Ru likes her. I can tell.

True, that