El Pato

Who is qualified though?  I would think only an animation director would be really qualified to write a looney tunes movie. 

And how!

And how!

I think Unforgiven's soundtrack is perfect, not treacly at all.  Besides, most of the movie lacks a background score in order to place the actions of the characters in practical reality, like when they shoot that cowboy and leave him dying in the dirt, and the final confrontation against gene hackman set almost

I think Unforgiven's soundtrack is perfect, not treacly at all.  Besides, most of the movie lacks a background score in order to place the actions of the characters in practical reality, like when they shoot that cowboy and leave him dying in the dirt, and the final confrontation against gene hackman set almost

I hate to be this cynical about the movie, but yeah, I also have a hard time relating this kind of narrative with my own experiences.  Maybe the experience of high-school is just completely subjective; if your the kind of person who grows strong emotional attachments and tends to see everything as meaningful, then

I hate to be this cynical about the movie, but yeah, I also have a hard time relating this kind of narrative with my own experiences.  Maybe the experience of high-school is just completely subjective; if your the kind of person who grows strong emotional attachments and tends to see everything as meaningful, then

Well what, do you expect the Wire levels of narative complexity from something like this?

Well what, do you expect the Wire levels of narative complexity from something like this?

Yeah, the interactivity thing seemed poorly thought out, it all seems potentially dangerous.  There's not a lot of room in a theater aisle for much jumping around, it's dark, and a kid could get too wired up and fall over into the next aisle front of him.  I also imagine a lot of spilled soda and puking, its just a

Yeah, the interactivity thing seemed poorly thought out, it all seems potentially dangerous.  There's not a lot of room in a theater aisle for much jumping around, it's dark, and a kid could get too wired up and fall over into the next aisle front of him.  I also imagine a lot of spilled soda and puking, its just a

Take my advice guys, don't imagine those things fucking.

Take my advice guys, don't imagine those things fucking.

I'm still here was alright, a B or B-.  Not something to inspire strong opinion or thought.  And parts of it are fucking hilarious, particularly the scenes with Diddy.

I'm still here was alright, a B or B-.  Not something to inspire strong opinion or thought.  And parts of it are fucking hilarious, particularly the scenes with Diddy.

Did you sell them?  No one wants to buy my collection of late 90's giant baggy jeans.  Guess I'll just keep them for when they come back into style.

Did you sell them?  No one wants to buy my collection of late 90's giant baggy jeans.  Guess I'll just keep them for when they come back into style.

From the look of the trailer, it actually does look like it's going for a fun, sorta goofy pulp vibe unlike the epic dick of Snow White and the Hunstman.  I'm not saying it looks good, but it's not taking itself as seriously.

From the look of the trailer, it actually does look like it's going for a fun, sorta goofy pulp vibe unlike the epic dick of Snow White and the Hunstman.  I'm not saying it looks good, but it's not taking itself as seriously.

Yeah I thought so too, but other commenters pointed out references to far earlier westerns.  I'm guessing the Proposition isn't the first western to feature a death like that.