El Pato

I just think it's odd that anyone would be upset after letting this stereotype slide for so long. It makes me suspicious of the people who started this, that they maybe aren't too serious.

Yeah, but even if they were asian actors, there would still be justification for accusations of racism. And I think they're right, it is racist, even with the context of kung-fu movies. The problem I have with this is why call that stereotype of the asian kung-fu master into question now? It's been used countless

Please stop naming your characters "Hope", everyone.

"Reese Witherspoon? More like Reese…Withered…Spoon!!!"

Honestly, I think a psychologist might be the white version of this.

I wouldn't be offended if the depiction of latino characters was more specific and not so generalized. From what I've seen, the characters are all "Damn bro, that's a ghost and shit fool!" The revelation that gangbangers play a central role in the plot doesn't help. We don't all struggle against gang life,

The Mike Daisey apology episode of this American Life was fantastic. They really did their detective work, tracking down the Chinese tour guide Daisy used and getting the real story. At the same time, I felt it was also a little creepy how much This American Life and Ira Glass played the innocent victim during the

Xanderpuss, you are one ugly, ugly little boy.

I'm not even sure it's a horror film, that movie's hard to categorize. I wonder if the Happening was inspired by Charisma.

I love this movie. Kiyoshi Kurosawa is one of my heroes.

C'mon, do you really think that would happen? Even the Simpsons isn't that cynical.

Does it strike anyone else as strange that Al Jean would even address the obvious fact that Marcia Wallace's death and the previously announced death of a character this season are totally unrelated? I mean, who would ever question that?

And from her line in Ed Wood "do I really look like a horse?", she seems to have a pretty good sense of humor about it.

Yeah, to put it plainly, he sounds dumb, or at least he doesn't sound like a genius.

My personal childhood classics, like probably so many avclubbers, would be Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, and many classic Disney movies featuring murder, violence, witches and other monsters. Its a total misconception that childrens entertainment has to be about children, and can't feature adult themes and

My guess as to the lion turtle's motivations were to simply keep the human world separate from the spirit world, by keeping and letting humans live on their backs and only granting powers to those who ventured outside of their cities into the spirit world. I love that the lion turtles served as a smaller, practical

There's been for a while this push to take the genre of rock, strictly of the 80's cheese variety, and sell it as an image for little girls or various pop-stars to adopt to give themselves some perceived edge. You can see it sold as cheetah print leggings and sleeveless denim vests to middle school girls pretending

They actually bragged about that? Who the hell brags about that kind of thing? Even the lowliest studio executive or marketing director would probably consider focus-grouping a shameful but necessary part of the business.

Oh bullshit, there's a difference between being materialistic and admitting you'd take a well paying job because you needed the money and the work.

Oh my god, the Keffiyeh was the icing on the cake.