El Pato

Private Eyescream does it again!  Bullseye, fucking bullseye!  World BORE Z?  How can one pun so incisively capture and articulate everything that is wrong about world war z, yet be so simple?  You must have a RAZOR sharp wit sir.  Razor sharp.  I applaud your courage sir, and we need more heroes like you, private

Nailed it.  Nailed it.  Holy fucking shit you nailed the shit out of this episode Private Eyescream.  Thank you man.  I mean, goddamn.  Nailed it like a nail nailing a box of nails.  And you even snuck in a shot at the Jersey Shore!  About time someone took those guys down a peg!  High five bro, high five!

I tried pushing through Dhalgren but gave up around 30 pages in.  You're right, super dense.

I laughed out loud at that drawing, its so shitty.

Donna you've enriched my experience of Breaking Bad almost as much as my Breaking Bad two screen iPad app experience.

I don't like Kevin Smith, although I'll admit I liked his movies a lot back in High School.  And they still make me laugh occasionally, though I've mostly outgrown them. 

I don't doubt Walt would kill Gretchen and Elliot, but I don't see what satisfaction he'd gain from just killing them.  He needs the world to recognize that Gray Matter was his idea, and that his work made it a success.  I don't see how just killing them would accomplish this.

Breaking Bad though has always existed in a slightly heightened, not completely realistic fictional universe, populated on the margins by these terrifying B-movie villains, stereotypical cops like Hank, and dumb stoners like Badger and Skinny Pete.  It's heightened exactly because you couldn't introduce characters

A lot of the credit goes to the guy who plays Jack, he's just so good at being slimy and awful.  The way he taunted Hank with his offer to put his gun down if they showed their badges, bit his lip and cocked his head saying "how bout it?".  Him, his rape-vibe radiating henchman,  and that shark-eyed creep Todd are

I want nothing more than to see Todd pleading for mercy, being kicked to death by Jesse.  But I'm almost certain that tenacious cockroach will outlive everybody.

I always felt the real conflict in this show was between Walter and Gretchen and Elliot, they're the real impetus behind all of his actions and all his resentment.  So I was both shocked and overjoyed that they brought them back for that final twist.  Can't wait to see what Walt does.

Man, that theme song.  I'm almost certain it's what Walter heard in his head at that moment.  It's his own personal James Bond theme, and in his head, he's Arnold Schwarzenneger in Commando.  He's all Heisenberg now, and his wrath is going to destroy fucking everything.

Hey everybody, Fuck Breaking Bad!!

Yeah, I always wondered how agent Mulder could watch so much porn without getting bored.

Can't we just agree that Blurred Lines is a shitty shitty song, regardless whether its about rape or not?  I mean  "hey hey Hey WOO! I know you want it, WOO! hey hey Hey!" How did this bullshit catch on?

Yeah, that is the weakest ass-whuppin I've ever seen.  That paparazzo's just being a bitch.

Uh guys…

"On Thursday" is hands down my favorite episode of this series.  I always felt it was overlooked, and it deserves to be canonized alongside "time enough at last" and some of the other more well known episodes of this series.  Such a haunting ending.  I'm glad it got a good write-up.

The mother-daughter stuff was great.  My problem was just with the plot, and that it didn't make a lot of sense.  It all hinged on "fate", Merida used that word all the time, that she wanted to change her "fate".  But that term was used so nebulously, I didn't know what it really meant.  She didn't want to marry any

I'm calling it, he confesses to Walt jr.