El Pato

I'd rather fucking die than see that movie.

Tangled had a pretty bad trailer too I remember.

Tangled had a pretty bad trailer too I remember.

Jesus, it was Ralph Bakshi people!  What is this amateur hour?

Jesus, it was Ralph Bakshi people!  What is this amateur hour?

I didn't know that flailing stick.  I was wondering what happened to American Dog.

I didn't know that flailing stick.  I was wondering what happened to American Dog.

If it does turn out to be really pandering, I won't really have a problem with it.  At least, not the first time.  I don't think we've really reached the point where these particular references have oversaturated, but like with Star Wars references, it'll become really annoying once videogame references start getting

If it does turn out to be really pandering, I won't really have a problem with it.  At least, not the first time.  I don't think we've really reached the point where these particular references have oversaturated, but like with Star Wars references, it'll become really annoying once videogame references start getting

Also, I think there's a movie adaptation of that Cowboy Ninja Viking comic being worked on.  I usually avoid stuff like this, so does anyone know if that particular comic is any good?

Also, I think there's a movie adaptation of that Cowboy Ninja Viking comic being worked on.  I usually avoid stuff like this, so does anyone know if that particular comic is any good?

It could be that the courts are so corrupt, the Joker and other villains have been bribing their way into easier sentences.  And these villains operate like mob bosses for the most part and have enough resources to hire really good lawyers.  I even think it could be Bruce Wayne advocating for them in some way, I've

It could be that the courts are so corrupt, the Joker and other villains have been bribing their way into easier sentences.  And these villains operate like mob bosses for the most part and have enough resources to hire really good lawyers.  I even think it could be Bruce Wayne advocating for them in some way, I've

I liked "back off rich boy, I'm armed!", then whacks him with a mannequin arm. 

I liked "back off rich boy, I'm armed!", then whacks him with a mannequin arm. 

Damn, I've been served.

Damn, I've been served.

I was never bullied, but as a sullen loner in most of my classes, there would occasionally be some jerk who teased me, but I was never beat-up or stuffed in a locker or any of that crap.  That sort of thing was reserved for middle school, but there were only a few instances where i knew some kid that had gotten beaten

I was never bullied, but as a sullen loner in most of my classes, there would occasionally be some jerk who teased me, but I was never beat-up or stuffed in a locker or any of that crap.  That sort of thing was reserved for middle school, but there were only a few instances where i knew some kid that had gotten beaten

Walt putting together the plate pieces and seeing a missing shard is maybe my favorite moment of the series, I wouldn't change a thing about it.  Its such a completely devastating moment; his last minutes of being a clean, good person relatively untainted by evil before he soils his conscience forever, and you can see