El Pato

Walt putting together the plate pieces and seeing a missing shard is maybe my favorite moment of the series, I wouldn't change a thing about it.  Its such a completely devastating moment; his last minutes of being a clean, good person relatively untainted by evil before he soils his conscience forever, and you can see

But white and pink don't make blue.  Just makes…light pink.

But white and pink don't make blue.  Just makes…light pink.

I got your restraining order, RIGHT HERE!  RESTRAIN THIS!

I got your restraining order, RIGHT HERE!  RESTRAIN THIS!

Yeah, middle school was pretty much the worst time of my life.  That's when kids at at their most cruel or awful, having no sense of responsibility and nothing to lose, and sensitive kids are at their most vulnerable.  I was really surprised by how easy high school turned out to be, that for the most part you could

Yeah, middle school was pretty much the worst time of my life.  That's when kids at at their most cruel or awful, having no sense of responsibility and nothing to lose, and sensitive kids are at their most vulnerable.  I was really surprised by how easy high school turned out to be, that for the most part you could

Hey, me too!

Hey, me too!

I just saw this movie, and along with what a lot of you have said, I also think the movie holds back way too much on the violence or blood.  There are a couple of parts where you think Charlize is going to pull a guys heart out temple of doom style, and you think something cool is finally gonna happen, and then

I just saw this movie, and along with what a lot of you have said, I also think the movie holds back way too much on the violence or blood.  There are a couple of parts where you think Charlize is going to pull a guys heart out temple of doom style, and you think something cool is finally gonna happen, and then

And it's not just the action scenes, almost the whole damn movie is in shaky cam.  When did this crap become the standard?  They need to stop that nonsense and mount that sucker on a tripod or a dolly or something.

And it's not just the action scenes, almost the whole damn movie is in shaky cam.  When did this crap become the standard?  They need to stop that nonsense and mount that sucker on a tripod or a dolly or something.

I think the unfortunate case with Kristen Stewart is that she's been awkwardly shoehorned into the acting career of a typical glamorous, beautiful hollywood starlet, like a Blake Lively or Megan Fox, when she's clearly not that type.  She's more of a cool, down to earth, sarcastic girl you can hang out with type, and

I think the unfortunate case with Kristen Stewart is that she's been awkwardly shoehorned into the acting career of a typical glamorous, beautiful hollywood starlet, like a Blake Lively or Megan Fox, when she's clearly not that type.  She's more of a cool, down to earth, sarcastic girl you can hang out with type, and

Yeah, she wasn't bad.  I was more surprised by how bad Charlize Theron was.  She overacted, but not in a fun way, just a really bad way.

Yeah, she wasn't bad.  I was more surprised by how bad Charlize Theron was.  She overacted, but not in a fun way, just a really bad way.

I saw no less than 4 commercials for madagascar, featuring that goddamn zebra, during a single break during legend of korra.  That's how good this show is, that I will gladly tolerate these ads and the brain damage they will certainly cause.

I saw no less than 4 commercials for madagascar, featuring that goddamn zebra, during a single break during legend of korra.  That's how good this show is, that I will gladly tolerate these ads and the brain damage they will certainly cause.

Man, I hate those commercials.