El Pato

Immortals was alright.  Had a lot of great, artistic imagery.  And what a heinie on that one girl!

Immortals was alright.  Had a lot of great, artistic imagery.  And what a heinie on that one girl!

The Final Cut is good, but the only thing I don't care for is that they cleared up Batty's dialogue in his scene with Tyrell to sound more like "father".  I much prefer "Fucker", but was never sure that's what he was saying.  So which is it, "father", or "Fucker"?

The Final Cut is good, but the only thing I don't care for is that they cleared up Batty's dialogue in his scene with Tyrell to sound more like "father".  I much prefer "Fucker", but was never sure that's what he was saying.  So which is it, "father", or "Fucker"?

Yeah, I'm just glad the version I saw first was the Director's Cut, and not the theatrical.

Yeah, I'm just glad the version I saw first was the Director's Cut, and not the theatrical.

I guess that explains the terrible job he did on it.  I always assumed he just didn't give a shit, but this makes it sound like he cared, and his wooden delivery was done it protest, which is kinda admirable.

I guess that explains the terrible job he did on it.  I always assumed he just didn't give a shit, but this makes it sound like he cared, and his wooden delivery was done it protest, which is kinda admirable.

Okay sir, you will now take the aptitude test, to find out what your aptitude, is good at.

I find Howl's to just be kind of a mess.  There are parts I like, but they don't cohere very well.

Thats a strange use of the Godfather theme song.

Jesus.  Wouldn't all this hurt?

Better do the reading from now on, illiterate high school morons!

I thought we reached bottom with Battleship the movie and the upcoming Stretch Armstrong movie.  There apparently is no bottom, its just an infinite abyss of retardocity.  Bravo red bull marketing team.

What's wrong with leathery skin, bleach blonde hair, huge implants and collagen injected lips?

I only saw the pilot, but I was surprised by how uncreative and dull the people working in these agencies were.  And they try so hard to be and look edgy, but their ideas are always so awkward and unfunny.  Nobody laughs during pitch meetings unless they're forcing it, and the stone faced bosses take these terrible

He looks like he'd walk up to you during free period, put his arm around your shoulders, and say "what would you do if I punched you in the face right now?"

No, more like mormon, or evangelical christian.  Us catholics are gorgeous, sinful people.

If you want to get started on Michael Haneke mysteries;  Cache.  Who was making and sending those tapes?

I can understand why people groaned at the end of Meek's Cutoff; I understand that the movie really tests peoples patience;  I still wanted to murder everyone in that theater with a chainsaw.