El Pato

No people booed because it sucked.  Cloverfield that is.

I want to know; What the Fuck is going on in Barton Fink?  That movie is confounding on every level.  Whats up with John Goodman's character?  Is he the devil or something?  Why is it hot when he's around?  Whats in the box he left Barton?  What did that picture of the beach and girl mean to Barton, and what does it 

I want to know where that bus goes in Ghost World.  In the end, I guess that it's only important as a means of escape for Enid, and it really doesn't need to be solved, but not knowing where it goes or how it just mysteriously shows up makes me want to get on it myself.

You're all being side-splittingly hilarious, but c'mon, that movie's not too bad.  The neo-sporin bomb was funny, right?

It really is Shadow, and I only found out about "colors" recently from listening to comedy bang bang, when they played "cerise".  I had no idea what I was listening to, but I loved it instantly.

Thanks Satanism, I'll check that out.

Have you guys heard of Ken Nordines "Colors" album?  Its so damn great, I wish I could find more things like it.

Thats an interesting way to look at it, Quirk.

Hmm.  Iowa sure is different.

All this movie needs is the tagline "now with less Tobey Maguire!" and it'll make a billion dollars.

What! But…Oh, wait, you're exaggerating.

Have you forgotten about a little film called DYLAN DOG?!!  Oh, you have…my mistake.

I just want to criticize your system, why would you have fun points?  You know you can have fun more than once right?  Unless by fun points, you mean money, which then I would totally understand.

Zooey Deschanel should be some drag queens name.  Speaking of her, my brother the other day encapsulated in a few words exactly why she's so bothersome.  We were watching that iphone Siri commercial, and he's watching her dancing around or whatever, and he say's "god whats wrong with her?  Stop dancing, just act like

How about this gem:
"Hey kiddo, let mom and dad talk for a minute will ya?"

Yes, so disappointed at the lack of quips in the last movies.  I actually thought it might not be possible to make Spiderman funny, since you can't see his damn face.  But it looks like that won't be a problem, it might even add to it.

Same here, looks pretty good to me.  Yall need to get your heads out yer asses.

In other words, every superhero movie ever made (with some exceptions, Super, Zebraman, etc).

Hey, you don't like it, suck my balls.

Chad Kroeger.  Isn't that the name of a generic store brand?