El Pato

Tobias, you're a heartless monster.  Kinda like a chimp.

Anyone else noticed how much Judd Apatow looks like Telly from Sesame Street?

Katherine Heigl isn't in it?  That is genuinely shocking.

I'm gonna start addressing all my friends and loved ones as "my ignorant friend" from now on.  Thanks.

I heard he had an awful tempra.

Spectular Spiderman was a really great show, and this new one makes it look all the better.  I haven't seen it yet, but the trailers look terrible.  All the stupid self-referential cut-aways?  He's Spiderman, not Deadpool! 

"A three titted approach to advertising, if you will"
O'Neal, you've topped yourself again.

Same here Wren, which is why I'm not really bothered by this.  My personal experience is all that matters, basically.

yeah, I must be an idiot cause Wrath looks kind of awesome.  That Magma monster is pure awesomeness.

With you on Speed Racers greatness, flowsthead.  It reaches such cartoonishly overdramatic highs that you just get swept along with it, and it doesn't let up for one minute.  Its like having anime and F-Zero GX injected into your eyeballs.

I don't like your theory one bit.

Those are not for sale, Cary is simply showing off.

Agree.  It's not so bad, and really gritty for a kids movie about ninja turtles.

I'm so LONELY!

pshh, RIGHT, that'll DEFINITELY happen!  Hey, this written sarcasm aint so tough.

That sounds great, though John Hurt was pretty much perfect.  What about Harry Dean Stanton?

I can hear the trailer and its BWWAAAAMMPs already.

My childhood's just gonna go ahead and start carrying lubricant.

That actually doesn't sound too implausible to me, Gorcho. Two years before Inception, Nolan made the Dark Knight and proved he could rake in shitloads of money for WB, giving them enough faith to bankroll his weird movie about architecture and dreams within dreams.  Through a good critical reputation and through

Right, Frodo.  I honestly don't think the movie would have made a dime without all the hype around its 3D, the idea was just too weird, and the Na'vi were too goofy looking.  If John Carter had struck the well first it would have made Avatar money, but its just too late for it.