El Pato

Shit.  Memory's a bitch.  But c'mon, are they really so different?

Avatar rode the wave of 3D into success, when people weren't bored by it yet.  District 9?  I can't explain that one.

Dark Knight Rises, this.  This is gonna be one Helluva-summer!

Shit yes.  Too bad sci-fi only makes money nowadays if it's a recognizable property.

And it's got that same high pitched wailing sound used in the prometheus trailer, pretty clever.

Ice Cube survives both Anaconda and Deep Blue Sea.

White coffee?  Milk you mean?

His spanish is surprisingly good.  Not that I would know.

Good lord, its Professor Pig.

Man, I would have never noticed that cause of the white-ified pronunciation.

Tonto's thought bubble: "Yes, I'm wearing a bird on my head.  Thanks for noticing!"

That's fine work scrawler.  Take an extra ten minutes on your lunch break.

Yeah, I could have referenced Airheads too, Amarth.  I just didn't think of it ok?

Me and your cat should hang out, gentle herpes.

We can only hope Russell Brand see's this.

I'm so happy this is back, these reviews are awesome.  Also glad that you pointed out that lovely shot of a reflection in a pool of water, amazing animation.

Thats good to hear.  Spiderman's supposed to be a witty, funny guy and I really feel like they screwed that up in the other movies, he was just kind of a mopey drip.

Man, I can't wait to see this, the trailer looked so great.

Yup, pretty disappointed.  I'll probably see this anyway, at least for the set design. But I'm glad to see the Innkeepers got a good grade, I've been looking forward to that movie.

yeah, well, I pretty much asked for this.