El Pato

I know this is a boorish, most likely commonly held among boors opinion, but I just have to say it.  The holocaust has been mentioned in literature to the point of cliche.  Sometimes it seems like there's only two types of books: holocaust, and non-holocaust.  I mean, how many perspectives do we need on this thing? 

Nice Try O'Neal.  You owe me one clever concluding sentence.

Eh, he showed up on some infomercial on spanish television promoting some kind of weight loss tablet or something?  That's latino enough for me.  His spanish didn't even have an accent.  Still a dick though.

For some reason, this made my day.  Like.

That's what I thought too.  If there's anything I've learned from podcasts, its that comedians are spiteful and full of resentment, even the good ones.  I actually don't know what T.J. Miller is talking about when he says that Cook "fucked it all up from hubris and thirst for fame".  It seems to me that what fucked

Yeah, that's always been my problem with that theory, although over-all I think the movie might still promote what they say about it.  Twilight seems a lot worse.  I'm more bothered by how Belle starts out as smart and down to earth, wanting adventure, and then just settles to be a princess in a castle.

I was hoping that Hayden would say more about this ending.  By saying her glasses are fake, was Ninamori implicitly saying that she didn't really reveal anything to Naota and was taunting him?  Or was she re-assuring Naota that she's not destroying the connection they made by exposing the secret she entrusted to him? 

No joke, I think Mitt Romney and Rick Perry are the same guy.  Its like seeing the difference between Cyrax and Sektor.

I don't think the cartoon is awful, but youre right that the cartoon and movie feel completely different from each other.  The movie's aptly put "folk-surreal minimalism" was replaced with by the numbers cartoon sitcom antics, and the pacing is typically blah blah blah-joke-cut to next scene, blah blah blah-joke-cut

That'll come to be the american remake.

Ah, ok.  I suspected he was the writer.

Goddamn Google.  Now I can't ask any question ever!

Who's the guy who sits at the table?  I feel like I've seen him somewhere but…does that guy do anything other than sit at that fuckin table?

Thats what he would eat if he was delirious and dying of thirst in the desert.  Not the most well thought out commercial.

It went right around the time he made Duel.  Killer truck?  Pshh, yeah, okay.
Also, you used "begs the question" wrong. 

Well, I really love the Plinkett reviews and the whole serial killer schtick. I think its hilarious but I can respect if someone doesn't find it funny.  But I'll just say that I don't think the reviews would be as good if they weren't written from the perspective of that character, because many of the jokes and humor

Alternate ending: The aliens are losing to the humans, and launch a final desperate counter-attack: calling the game and the humans gay.  The humans deny the accusation, and retaliate by calling the aliens gay.  The Aliens kick over the humans legos, then go home.

Hahahaha…glaswegian.  Ooohh thats good.

You guys said it.  It's almost never interesting when an artist gets naked (unless theyre a horrible disgusting fatso or something, then that would be brave).  As for an artist exposing how fucked up they are?  Thats pretty much your job as an artist, why should doing that gracelessly get you rewarded?  Also, it's not

It was bad, but her competition was United States=mailbox burrito shirt, paper hat, signatures, and smiley face underwear.  It was the only thing that came close to being art in the whole show, so it looked good by default.