El Pato

Yeah, she's pretty cute.  I think what helped her sell so many portraits was the fact that sitting across from her and letting her sketch you came with the privilege of viewing her crotch as she exposed it with her indian style drawing pose.  I'm a skeevy perv, and I'd pay ten bucks for that!

Dylan Mcdermott.

Bad to the Bone!  DANANANANA  Bad to the Bone! DANANANANA  babababababaBad! DANANANANA bababababababaBad!

I expected something to come out of that barn at the end, but I thought it would be Herschel's wife, I never expected it to be Sophia.  That was messed up.

Batman and Robin, any scene with Arnold Schwarzenegger.  I know, the whole movie's a travesty and Arnold ruins a great character, but he's the only enjoyable element in that movie.

Good story.  Were you with people or something though?  Otherwise, why didn't you just fucking leave?

I understand that all music, no matter how awful, is customarily granted serious critical evaluation, but this is why I usually don't trust musical criticism to point me towards good music.  Just the act of giving Brokencyde three paragraphs of honest critical analysis bestows them an honor or validity that they don't

I like Common and all, but why would you post a picture of Kimbo Slice?

Why does every soundtrack have to sound like the inception soundtrack nowadays?

Yup.  Just present whatever hot-button issue of your choosing completely on its face, leave out any element that would display a point of view, and let the viewer fill it with their own thoughts.  Genius.

Even so, he wasn't fazed at all at being booted.  I think he might have had some awareness of how bad his work generally was.

Bingo, brainfuckler.  She seems so damn self-absorbed, and like too much eye-liner Sara pointed out, is always playing the tortured artist.  Its a pretty clear display of her narcissism that the one time she's laughed or showed any joy is during her own dumb crack about being a milliner or whatever.  And since know

Can someone please make a really obvious quip about Robin Williams playing a straight man in the Birdcage?  I'd do it myself, but goddammit, I'm not clever enough.

Parts of it really don't, like the magic carpet escape with the CG backgrounds.  Looked like something made for a crappy motion simulator ride.  But overall its still damn entertaining, and not boring for a single second.

George Carlin was never really a movie star anyway.

Kick his ass!

Aaahhh, you're just mad because you don't like Katy Perry and they didn't make fun of her.  If it had been a band you liked and they didn't make fun of them you wouldn't be saying shit.  They've made fun of good bands like radiohead.  B and B don't have an agenda, they make fun of whoever they choose, so long as


Bullshit. You couldn't have read the review and THEN seen the C- grade.  The grades posted right on top in a big orange box BEFORE the review.  How dare you insult my intelligence with your ridiculous lies.  We are Adults.  Not children.

Amen.  It never really bothered me that Seymour wasn't actually Seymour, and it wouldn't bother me if it was canon.  What does annoy me slightly is the suggestion that Skinner's hair is a toupee.