El Pato

Sometimes.  Not this time though.  Although I laughed at Nelson's stop hitting yourself machine.

Whats the name of that one thats just kind of a low-pitched "Waargh!".  There's also that one of a woman being tortured, anyone know that one?

Jeeezus, thats plain evil.  If it was in color, you'd be able to see that Wimpy is just soaked in blood.

Oh, Oh!  He can meet the Situation, and then he remarks about how huge his forearms are, and then they fistbump, right?!  Oh this is gonna be fuckin sweet!

E.C. Segar must be rolling in his grave.  He's dead right?

Wasn't that game just a rip-off of the original Donkey Kong, with Popeye in place of Mario?

Yeesh, Battleship.  I was with two other friends watching the preview for this movie before Cowboys and Aliens.  It finished, and I'm cackling like a madman, when my friend turns to me and says "that is the stupidest looking movie I've ever seen, and yes, I'm aware I'm about to watch a movie about cowboys fighting

The only fun had in it was that peyote smoking scene, that was kinda good.

Sarah does seem pretty cool, but before this week, I didn't even know she existed.

Oh god yeah, that look Sara gave was terrifying.  It was like she was shooting rays of intensity from her forehead.

I liked it too, but I don't disagree that he should have lost, he did ignore everything the kid did.  Plus, it was pretty trite.  Nature growing from an urban environment, so it means grow and spells grow?  Dumb.

I laughed, but I can't hate Sara like I did Kathryn.  Sara seemed to cry for a good reason, painful memories.  Kathryn just cried because she wasn't allowed to get away with the exact same bullshit she did the week before. 

"A moment of silence for Leon"

Who else has seen that youtube video of him giving his opinion on wolfmother?  I love this man.

She sounded a lot like Ursula the sea witch.  Same lady?

Good one Bro.

Yo, you serious?

If picked well, I think a famous voice can work for an animated character, like Tom Hanks for Woody.  But too often a studio will just hire a famous person to voice a character based on their established personality, and don't consider whether their voice goes well with the character or if they even have the vocal

And not a single Apatow player in sight.  For these things at least, I'm very thankful.

He looks more like a hipster Sheldon from big bang theory.