El Pato

Its pretty awkward and terrible, even with all the great guests it has.

Washington, this is a long shot as this a week old thread, but what pho places do you recommend?  As I've been meaning to try pho for a while and would like to have the good shit.

Hulk makes a good point that its the tone of the sexism in the game that makes it indefensible, because its so prevalent that there seems to be no reason for it other than titillation.  My problem with that argument is that it ignores the fact that catwoman, harley quinn, and poison ivy are intentionally titillating

I did listen to that episode, and Lexi Alexander was an amazingly good interview subject.  The episode ended up being a little awkward though because she makes it pretty clear that although she made something unique and interesting, its mostly hurt her reputation, and I think she regrets making it.  I still haven't

Christ, what a bunch of freaking garbage.  Jazz-min's picture was the only thing approaching decency, and she basically put no thought into it, and only did it on an impulse to show off.  But I'm going to miss Kathryn.  She was overly fragile and defensive, incapable of handling criticism, stubborn and unreasonable,

I felt the same way about Michelle's piece, with it's wooden wang.  And that clay figure was terrible, it would have looked appropriate in last weeks flea-market art gallery.

It was bad, but Bayete's thing had the only small touch of inspiration among all the other things, which was titling it "weeeeeeee!".

Teti's reviews are pretty great, but the show is very entertaining, give it a shot.

The stereotyping of art school students was what bothered me the most.  From my own experiences, the students I met in school didn't fall so neatly into any of those categories, but were each just kind of a mixture of a bunch of liberal stereotypes.  Everyone was a little pretentious, but most people were too

Those scenes with Jim Broadbent were some of the few good things about that movie.  There were a few more good things about it, but mostly it's observations about art school and artists were too thin to base a whole movie around.

The vast majority of people do not include people who would recognize any comics creator, other than maybe Charles Schultz.  You'd generate the same amount of confused looks with the name "alan moore" as you would with "dan clowes".

I've always found the last fight between Neo and Smith disappointing.  It could have been Neo versus a million smiths, or they could have all drawn their guns simultaneously to shoot him, but it just turned into one big overly-long senseless dragonball z fight, where none of the punches seem to mean anything.  Its

Chevy Chase is attractive?  And Dane Cook hasn't made any movies in a while.  As a movie star I think he might have been the male equivalent of Whitney Cummings, in the sense that they're comedy coasts on their good looks.

Nah, you're right.  It was just a moment of knee-jerk enthusiasm for something unique to their state that people sometimes carelessly have, like hometown pride or something.  El Pollo Loco has always been there as an inextricable part of my experience, and I can't help trumpeting it with a little foolish pride.  Its

Lola was pretty annoying.  And she had one of those dumbass mustache tatoos on her finger.

I liked him a lot too.  And I don't know, i think he was just being sarcastic when he insisted on being called the sucklord.

That wasn't just any Mexican restaurant, it was El Pollo Loco!  Jeez, do they not have those in Chicago?  Also, I've always suspected that Los Pollos Hermanos was a parody of El Pollo Loco.  Youre missing out on some good chicken if you've never been there.

I guess that would give Walt the chance to notice, and I'm sure he's seen Jesse smoke many times before and would be familiar with the pack.   Maybe I only say this because I can't remember what brand it was, with all the close-ups the show's given that pack.  It was green, maybe had a triangle on it?

Gotta admit, the thought crossed my mind, but I had no doubt it was Gus who did it.

I think Donna's assumption that Huell just replaced the pack with another one explains how it could be done easily.  But Walt must have done some serious mental gymnastics to remember what brand jesse smoked.