El Pato

Walking away with that injury for a couple seconds I can believe, but I think the push from the explosion would have blown Gus out of the room and smashed him into a wall, as I'm sure Tio is a bloody pancake on the ceiling.  But I don't really care.

Dude, even Gus's death was kinda funny.  As soon as he walked out, some ironic bit of "oops, looks like I messed up" music started playing.  Or did I imagine that?  Because Gus's face sure said that.

Chile is leading the field in cyborg technology.

They do some good work over on the Walking Dead.

Oh my god yes.  More than the scream, what got me was Gus's face after looking up to see Hector staring right back at him, sort of sadly, then Gus's face again when Hector's twisted up horribly and started dinging the bell.  My stomach sank worse than during any horror movie.

In my head, your comment is voiced by Rod Serling.

Alternate reality fan-fiction aside, this show has an amazing protagonist, and wouldn't be half as interesting without Walt.

Gus can't kill Walt, Jessie won't let him.  Its just smarter to get Jessie himself to kill Walt.

Great episode, I lost count of how many times I said "Oh Shit!".  Also, I just found it really satisfying that they acknowledged that Gus probably bugged Jessie's house and knew about the ricin cigarette.  To me, that felt like a pretty big plothole, that Jessie and Walt could just plan something without Gus

I think it was "an appropriate response will be made".  That was chilling.  I agree.  And Gus had to have poisoned the kid, otherwise what his "response"?

Maybe, so that he could convince Jessie that Gus did it?  I guess its possible, but pretty unlikely.

2 1/2 men?  I couldn't give 2 1/2 shits!

Another one was the uppity mexican chemist recalling Walts behavior when Victor tried cooking.

Ah, with the pumpkin spice latte ads comes the beginning of Fall.

I looked it up before, and it sounds like "earth".  But I've also heard that new versions of the movie dubbed the original "earf" to sound like "earth".  Anyone know if thats true?

Yeah, and polar bears guarding the fortress of solitude.

I absolutely love this movie too, its such a creative, witty and unpredictable movie, and never takes itself seriously.  Nowadays, I don't know, it would probably be all up its own ass with mythology and moodyness and Helena Bonham Carter.  

Only if Pixar can capture the unsettling creepiness of Don Bluth's animation.

I see her replacing Winona Ryder, just like she's replacing her in real life in the heart of Tim Burton.

Yes, Catherine O'Hara, love her.  If she's not in this, well, just fuck it.