El Pato

How could the story seem stock?  The ghosts of a dead couple, who are the protagonists, must scare the new tenants out of their own house, which they haunt, and after many failed attempts are forced to hire a crazy unpredictable evil spirit to do the job for them, which backfires by not scaring the tenants but giving

No, the last song was that "shake, shake, shake senora, shake your bodyline" song.  So yeah!

"Walt, we aint goin to no Rock show".  Yeah, I guess thats the end of that little narrative.

Yeah, I was surprised too.  Tio, man what an asshole.  This episode made me root for Gus.

Ugly Doris?  Hortense, the mule face girl!

Ah, thank you!  laughed for like 10 minutes at that.

I don't know malingerer.  Its just that, to me and you, its obvious why, say, Citizen Kane is better than Titanic, and its obvious to that whiskey guy why pineapple juice ruins whiskey.  But we don't hold the same values as those people who say Titanic is a better movie, to them maybe being entertained in a cheap

My4boys, whats your point?  You think because he donates money he's exempt from criticism?  What does him being charitable and probably being a nice guy have to do with his shitty comedy?  Nobody said he's an asshole, theyre saying he's a shitty comic.

Yeah, two Whites under Gus's employ, thats hilarious.

I was thinking maybe Jessie already used it on Gus, and they just didn't show it.  They had that quick shot of him sitting alone, drinking coffee. But then again he wouldn't have considered shooting Gus in the back of the head. Maybe I'm wrong too, but I also think I saw Jessie crushing the ricin cigarette outside

Has anyone else seen Gale in a Marie Calenders commercial?  Scared the shit out of me.

That fuckin plate with the missing piece. Favorite moment of the show.  But yeah, maybe that means Jessie was always a better person than Walt.  Then again, crazy 8 deserved to die, and Walt took a lot of time to humanize him before figuring out Domingo was just fucking with him and intended to kill him.  He was never

Yeah me too.  Meth cooking's just become some regular job for Walt, no joy in it at all.  He's even back at the damn carwash.  So I was glad he made the ricin at least.

Ditto on jesus.  Like dave grohl owns the iconic long hair and beard look, get real asshole.

I think Hank does suspect, but the details in Jr's story that the car had to be returned, that Walt first took him to a used car place, and that Jr probably begged for the car may have deflected some suspicion.  Sounds a bit more reasonable that way.

Speaking of that damn veggie platter; does he just store the same one in a mini-fridge and re-use it every time?  Nobody ever takes anything from it.

Kind of hope the show doesn't completely forget this whole mineral business.  There had to be bigger point to that.

Man, I really see Hank dying.  He's becoming a problem dog himself.  Then again, they've tried to kill him before with no success, Hank being such a rugged one man army.

Mmmm, pink lemonade.

I know the feeling Dijonase. I stabbed out one of my eyeballs, its the only good solution.