El Pato

Why didn't you write it this way?
Jerking horny teens off…

Oh, and they really went easy on the Zookeeper which can't be ridiculed enough. That fucking trailer plugged TGI Fridays so shamelessly it felt like a sequel to Mac and Me. God, and the people in that theater actually laughed when the gorilla says that shit.

That was so great, I started cracking up at "jim carrey has 7 turds living in his apartment".

I had that same problem with the color purple after seeing that one movie, what was it called? You guys know what I'm talking about right?

I've never seen what cee lo green looks like until now, but is he a midget? I'd swear looking at any picture of his face that he's a midget.

Yeah, the ants were pretty good I thought. Classic punching fight scene, cool way of warding them off, a feeling of actual danger, hat in trouble. Pretty good.

Its grittiness, okay? jeez.

"She's just a got a stupid cheap hat, she still embodies all the awful stereotypes she did before!"

I don't get how DC comics isn't profitable. I mean, comics don't sell, but toys, movies, clothing, videogames, cartoons, roller-coasters, these don't make money? Seriously, it really doesn't seem like the ongoing stories are essential to the brands anymore, if anything it just taints them.

Referencing a modern Simpsons tree house of horror? Bad form sir.

Zack and Miri is terrible though. Its good until after the high school reunion scene, but after they start making the porn it gets really bad. Pandering with the star wars themed porn, desperate and forced with the shit in the face gag, and the whole second half of the movie concentrates on the really uninteresting

Well, thats a relief.

It's interesting that you say the movie has no visual style. I saw this movie on TV a while ago, never having heard of it, and I liked it but wasn't really sure whether it was good or not. The reason for that is exactly because it had no personal visual style, and I didn't realize until now that the lack of

I get that kids are kids and they have limited attention spans, but thats pretty inexcusable, rude behavior from the parents.

Punch! Chop! Block!

I think that's because comic book shops remain tiny, seedy, unavailable or in bad locations. If somebody opened up a large chain of barnes and noble-ish comic book superstores, then comics would become more available for people to buy. I don't think this should happen though, comic-book shops as they are seem to

I don't have a basement, but my attic is full of evil spirits.

Hell yeah, and get Stephen Gammel to design the look of the movie. His illustrations were so terrifying, it's amazing someone hasn't tried to copy that style.

Not the best episode, but still pretty great.

I think it takes a huge stretch of the imagination to believe that some completely normal high-school girl, not incredibly beautiful or glamorous, would have connections to such a high profile person like a mayoral candidate and wind up being such a liability that she has to be murdered. Does anyone know if Rosie's