El Pato

Oh shit! I can't wait for Douchebag to see this, he gon' be mad!

Hopefully its still on youtube. I watched part of it, and haven't gone back to finish it.

I don't like "crackery", sounds more like an adjective to describe some food. How about "Crackerosity"?

There are a couple of parts that I really, really liked: The part where Lucius Fox and Bruce Wayne are looking out the window at the red scrolling sign, they cut back to Lucius and his expression is the most natural I think I've ever seen on this show, a combination of being mildly impressed and nonplussed with some

Oh, so Blue Pencil was a spanish studio. Why does he say that was their last episode though? they also did Day of the Samurai, which didn't look as good. Weird that they gave Akom so many episodes to destroy but cut ties with the far preferable Blue Pencil almost immediately.

They really should get Will Cotton to design the whole look.

What, really? God, thats gotta be expensive as hell. Excellent location though.

"hey you guys know this is the vertigo house?"

It's not about childrens movie tropes, I think the idea is why would a movie called the Muppets be about two humans, and who would make such an idiotic mistake? Although, it's not that unlikely. Transformers I thought was mostly about shia lebouf and barely about the robots.

Great animation on the Riddler episode
but does anyone else find it sort of strange looking for the series? Blue Pencil also does the later Day of the Samurai, and it also has that look of being too smooth, as if it was rotoscoped. The animation is near movie quality, but it looks inappropriate for the series

Oh god yeah, some many stunning images in this movie.

Bill_M, you should follow Batman-On-Film. com. Its a damn good site, probably the best, and the author of the site refuses to post anything that might be a spoiler.

Yup, it's just them screaming in agony while "you got a friend in me plays". Now turn in your avclub badge and gun for not having seen toy story 3.

You know what
Fuck it. Just fuck it, you guys. Does anyone want to talk about Meek's Cutoff? Just saw it today, and it's amazing. I saw it with some dipshit who kept yawning and making smug chuckles through-out the movie. Its got a bit of a "fuck you" of an ending, but I really think it's brilliant and works

Good point Claire
We got this far. Lets just hold hands and descend into the flames, Toy Story 3 style.

Oh yeah, she ended on a high note. It was such a joyful and confident performance. But like Claire said, she seemed stunned with anger at first. Then she bottled that rage and went out like a man, but I know she's gonna be punching holes through many walls tonight.

Eh, I'm just happy Haley stuck around this long. Because of her, it hasn't been a complete waste of time.

Try the whole damn season.

Man, those were some uninspired song choices by the judges.
I cringed when I heard Haley was going to sing Alanis Morissette, especially that shitty song. But she kicked ass on it anyway. Fuck, there is no justice if she's voted out. I'd love to see Haley vs Lauren though. Scotty is straight up booooring.

Lauren did pretty well with "I Hope You Dance". But so help me, I cannot listen to that song without thinking of a PSA.