El Pato

I think the only good CG I've ever seen was in the first Jurassic Park movie. After that it all looks about the same, even avatar. If I want to see some really bad CG, I'll just watch Spawn.

That judge
Her mouth was all off center, like a clutch cargo cartoon.

Huh, really? So I guess, that scene was funny! I stand corrected.

I say
We start having a weekly vote for the worst joke in a new Simpsons episode. My vote this week is for Chief Wiggum saying "oh the Zumanity!", then cutting to the billboard for the cirque de sole show Zumanity, except its "ZOOmanity!" Oh the lazyness!

I notice that family guy episodes lately have a lot of strange, quiet moments, and I'm convinced now that these are there deliberately to kill time. For example there was this part where meg and chris were at the schools entrance with the principle, then it cuts to a shot of peter by his car wearing shades and a

Mmm, Cleveland show wasn't bad after that horrible episode of Family Guy, which just left me depressed and bitter. There was one great visual gag where Kevin Smith and Harry Knowles charged at each other over a corndog. Their fat stomping around was pretty funny, and their merging into that huge blob beast was

not a single one of those bystanders had something witty or funny to say. The most cutting remark made was "only in vegas".


I just hate guys who clap when they laugh.

Shocked, and Delighted
to see that 80's glam rock oaf drag his meathead knuckles off the stage. That guy was truly horrible. The shallowness and excess of 80's prettyboy hair metal is not something that should ever make a comeback, and it annoys me to no end that the popular conception of metal as a whole is

Fuck yeah dumbledore, and made up for watching Batman stumble around on a crutch for 5 minutes.

Yeah I cried too. Cried when dick left the circus, and when Bruce comforts Dick and helps relieve him of his guilt. Also, was that really moonlight in that scene? I could swear it was sunlight, the colors looked too hot.

Thats not true Writing Accessory. There was a lot in common between them, Thor had his entire kingdom and powers taken from him, and Portman's character had her entire life's work taken from her. They got pretty close during that campfire scene outside her trailer.


How Was Your Week
I've completely turned around on Julie Klausner's podcast. She's just great.

Exactly Jack Fear. That's why most of these modern fantasy reboots and why Sam Worthington in clash of the titans are so damn boring. There isn't enough scenery chewing Theatricality!

The part that most annoyed in the trailer was the electric guitar power cords that punctuated those words when conan is introduced, then some sludgy nu-metal starts playing during the fight scene montage. That shit is so fucking irritating. Why didn't they just make this a full on 80's metal and Frank Frazzeta

Jennifer Love Hewitt in the Devil and Daniel Webster. Awful, but highly batable.

This guy's posted before, I can't tell if its a gimmick poster or not.

the Seventh Continent
Thats the first haneke movie I saw, and it was pretty hard to bear. It has one of my favorite images from a movie, that repeated image of the supposed Australian beach from the billboard, its so incredibly eerie. But I never felt that the daughter was being taken to her death against her will,