El Pato

Well, they directed Speed Racer
and look how "great" that turned out! What? It was a good movie. Sorry if that sounded sarcastic.

Lindsay Lohan with Buscemeyes
is no different from current Lindsay.

Yeah I want to see more. That shifty eyed ape is…unsettling in how intelligent it looks.

I played Batman and Robin, but on the Sega Genesis, not Sega CD. I really think that was the first great Batman game, even though the game is more of a shooter than a game that makes you feel like batman. But everything else about it was awesome, the bosses, the art design, and the soundtrack was amazing. The Mad

Wow, I never noticed that Jimmy James. "Arnie in the Sky" never drew attention to itself as a joke.

Shit Miller, that's just how me and my brother bond.

Yes it was Sheltie.

I thought about it, and I think I know why she comes off as snooty. She tells this really long story about seeing Marlee Matlin and her interpreter at a sushi restaurant, and she's freaking out, notes that she looks hot in a leather skirt, and then walks out and talks to them. And that's it, that's the whole story.

How Was Your Week
This was the first time I've listened to it, and I liked her interview with James Urbaniak, but I didn't find it all that interesting. Julie Krausner can really take her time saying things, and she seems to be pretty focused on celebrities and dropping a bunch of famous names, and it can get pretty

His best work to me is the Kingdom. It's creepy as fuck and pretty damn funny and enjoyable.

I don't like Pia
She treats every note in a song the exact same way. But after seeing her in that tight black cat suit, I'm really sorry she got voted off.

Thank you crab, you're a sport. Sorry about the eye.

What's chronic bitch-face on a guy called? Cause that's what I got.

Fuck you mark twain, I hate You!

This looks good, and I like that Saoirse Ronan so
i'm gonna see this anyway. Suck my dick yall!

Yeah gregbu, where's that cure for cancer and aids you promised us and the world? Stop wasting lolderps time.

Holy fuck, that is awesome!

Oh, and Aspergers? Where the fuck did that come from? I saw no indication of mental illness in Michelle William's character.

I would say that she tried shoplifting the store because she had to save money wherever she could and she had probably stolen necessities wherever she could throughout her whole trip, but I have little faith in that idea considering how nervously she went about stealing from the store. It still doesn't seem

Linda's a pretty great character too though. Of all the characters, I think she might have the most likable and well rounded personality.