El Pato

Yeah, what is that bullshit? There's no joke or visual pun, just some random deadpan video of a guy riding a motorcycle through an office. funny?

empty theater,
Scary Movie 5 on screen,
Anna Faris farts

*he could have been hiding*, how many fucks when you someone it eat, yeah yeah.

The Great Prosciutto poster
Nobody needed this clue to realize that Joker was hiding in an abandoned amusement park. The only other place who could have hiding was in an abandoned card factory, or abandoned toy factory.

It is pretty good. C'mon you assholes, watch it. I hate superboy though, what a complete dick.

You're blowin my mind, man!

Oh man, I'm actually disappointed to hear that. I think there's a huge drop off in quality from the first two-face episode to the second, especially in terms of animation, and I'm afraid the virtues of the first episode will be diluted if it's lumped in with the second. I know it doesn't make much sense to grade

I guess it is sort of a circle jerk. I mean, it is on IFC, and the only people who watch this show are undoubtedly hipsters. Only people who take any interest at all in the broad domain of hipster culture, like independent or foreign movies, discussion and criticism of pop-culture, alternative comedy, or other

How is the show a circle jerk for hipsters? It targets and makes fun of them. Thats like saying the Colbert Report is a circle jerk for republicans.

Hey Cookie, love your work, quick question: How do you feel about having your face on so many hipster shirts?

Can somebody, Pleeeaaase, explain to me how irony works? Is there a unified theory or class I can take?

I thought it was pretty good too, and it wasn't as braindead as most people have said. There was some pretty interesting subtext in the movie with the character of Clu, about how creative and intelligent individuals in their youth tend to have ego driven, fascistic ideals that they later mature away from, and as a

Oh, yee yee, that was your avatar? It was great! I thought that sad, fat, crybaby was hilarious, and second only to wax tom cruise.

Professor cuntburglar, Pirates 3 isn't too bad a movie, it's enjoyable. But I watched it recently, and I never realized how much of the movie is just fucking talking, always on the same couple of boats too.

So like Black Dynamite, but serious and not ironic? I don't know if that would work.

Yeah? Who won't?

That intro's pretty badass. If the animation in the show looks like that, then it looks pretty good for flash, not half as terrible as that stuff from the 60's.

Man, I hate it when someone says "no worries" to me, and they're clearly not Australian. I also hate "cheers" from random drunks that aren't english. I don't know why but the attitude behind both of these provoke my rage.

Actually, seeing that movie recently, Will Smith clearly pronounces the word "earth", making a "th" sound. I was shocked to realized that I'd been lied to in thousands of comments.

Not that it will ever happen, but I'd like to see Reese Witherspoon as Harley. And about Tom Hardy not being buff enough, so what? Everybody in comics is incredibly ripped, and Batman in movies has never looked as buff as he does in comics. Just look at any Jim Lee thing, even commissioner Gordon has biceps the