El Pato

Damn! Thanks Zodiac. Not that I needed convincing, this is fucking great news. But thanks man.

It takes real balls I think to do that every week when nobody likes it. I like balls. Though I have to admit, it caught me off guard when an At-At from the Empire Strikes Back did that knee-clutching thing.

thought it was pretty funny when whats-his-name, the son, came with a suspension from school, and when they went "what?", he just gave this cheerfully casual "yeeaah".

damn, thought I had a foist
um, I thought family guy was kind of interesting tonight. wasn't funny or anything, but it focused a lot on the story, and there were almost no comedic flashbacks or unrelated tangents. not a good story, but still interesting for the show.

Is there no audience for Kingdom Hearts on next-gen platforms…
or something? Goddamn they keep finding stupid ways to repackage the same 2 real games, why can't they just create kingdom hearts 3?

One of my favorite episodes of Comedy Death Ray features Bob Duca as a guest, and unfortunately also these two dipshits. I think that was the first appearance of Bob Duca. Luckily after Bob arrives they mostly keep their traps shut.

Nah, Philip Baker Hall son. Secret Honor 2.

yeah, until that moment I was like "eh", and then, DAMN that's badass. Gotta see this now.

That's what I think too Apophis, the only way a gun could just "stop" a person is by crippling them. Still if there is a way to shoot someone without crippling them or risking their life I bet Batman would know how, maybe he'd use it a last resort, but guns just don't work that way in comics or genre fiction in

I don't know, if Batman ever condoned the use of guns it wouldn't make any sense, seeing how he doesn't condone murder.

This was a really good article
I liked the long, thoughtful preamble, without it I would have cared a lot less about what someone would have to say about this movie, good or not. Of course, it helped that the lead in was that terrifying picture of Busey.

Yeah I wasn't clear, let me word it differently. The article says that the character Busey plays in Carny predicts Busey's own current state of "wiseau-ification". Here's the quote at the top of the 13th paragraph, "anticipates the eccentric's current place of prominence in the traveling freak show that is pop

The article said that Busey's character in Carny predicted his own "wiseau-ification" and of others like the winnebago man. It didn't say that Carney is an example of camp stuff like troll 2.

I was ready to sort of begrudgingly agree, but I like what woodandiron and miller said. Kudos you two.

I also want to join in in saying how much I love that shot of the Joker sitting on the conveyer belt, legs crossed and arms folded, just grinning and enjoying the chase. And his priceless one-liner "You smell so bad I can smell you from here, Haha, pee-yoo". And also, damn, the implied violence of him going wild

Theres one instance in the episode where the Joker was pretty threatening and scary, where he goes nuts stabbing at the can that b-mans inside of. I agree that its dumb that he could stab it when batman needed a frickin laser to get out of it, but it served its purpose in making the joker look really scary for a

Hahahaha, yeah but, TRON sounds cool.

Well, not the visuals and action ALONE. I meant, combined with rest.

I agree with you, but it's possible to place way too much value on one element of a movie and ignore everything else it has going for it. The way this movie was reviewed, it's like nothing but the story deserved to be factored into the final critique. The story is about a D+ or C-, but the visuals and action alone

Lord Running Clam sat in his armchair sipping, from an origami cup he crafted from a single page of Kafka, a rare 1908 hand-aged single-malt Islay Scotch, rumored to have been filtered through the Shroud of Turin. He was reading the complete works of Sartre, which he had painstakingly translated from that volume's