El Pato

I don't get why people think prisoner of azkaban is the best movie either, although it's my favorite of the books. David Yates has been pretty great though, I thought order of the phoenix and half-blood prince were both really good. I don't know fancy film school technical terms so I'll just say, I like the way he

First and only time I've ever wanted to fuck julia roberts though.

Well he can look pretty tall and kinda gangly in the right costume, I think he'll work, but is there any actor that actually has marfan's syndrome? Keira Knightly and Adrien Brody look like they have it.

Eddie Marsan is Awesome
EN RA HA, check all your mirrors

I saw the trailer, that does look pretty good.

I agree with you on the Riddler, he was one of the few, if maybe only, clever villains on the show. And while it did fall short of the Timmverse and the comparison is unavoidable, the show never tried to compete with the standards of B:TAS, it had completely different intentions. So I don't think it fell short of

Oh man, which episode is that from? I don't remember that.

the show did start to get a little better, but yeah, the penguin had super matrix kung-fu powers and nearly kicked the batman's ass, mr.freeze was just some common diamond thief with ice-powers, and the joker had long raggae dreads, no shoes, and also had super matrix kung-fu powers. The show wasn't very good, but

Yeah, it was funnier, had better action, had a lot of cool monster designs, and a better villain. The first had a lot of bad cgi too which the second one mercifully dialed back on.

Tight denim gave my meat a low-sperm count.

Ditto the love for Under the Red Hood. It's a great story and accomplished something never done before; it justified Jason Todds return and made him an interesting and intelligent character. There are great moments of dialogue between him and Batman, and best of all, the movie convincingly portrays the tragedy of

Yeah Dutch Baby, I was always really impressed by that. You could actually see the grain of the paper in some static backgrounds, and the use of flat gouache colors and art-deco gradients against black really gave those earlier episodes a very warm feel that's been completely lost in modern animation. I especially

I'd join her cast.

Hellboy 2 has been kind of forgotten I think, or just occasionally brought up as a bad movie. I think it was, I'll say it, better than the first. Is that shit-stirring in any way?

Aintitcool's capone said she's pretty good in the movie, that she really dialed back the zaniness.

But then, how will I know Batman isn't a homo?

She was brought back to life by magic cats, how's that silly?

Yeah she'd be a great Carrie Kelley. I could totally see her with a slingshot and those big, lab goggles.

I think I've said this before but, Natalie Portman always comes off as really conceited and vapid. Her acting bothers me a lot.

I can't wait for this, looks awesome. The facial animation looks really subtle and expressive, but they kind of remind me of those old cinemas for games like phantasmagoria where they used live action actors over CG environments, sort of a blue-screen effect. Still looks great though, looking forward to playing