El Pato

This was a very good episode
Last weeks was pretty bad, but this week all the jokes just stuck. It dropped all of the captain hindsight and bp stuff and just stuck to following around the kids and cartman, so that was a good decision.

Thanks astral weeks. Here's web in your eye.

Hodad's, fuck I love that place. I love how small it is, and all the crazy crap on the walls. I hope the new place doesn't just copy the look of the other one directly, hope it starts it's own thing.

Well in this case I meant to say "a fucking horse", speaking about how difficult it is to steer a horse. "fucking a horse", that's a topic for another day.

This was great
That scene where Rick comes to kill the torso zombie was, man, powerful stuff. I nearly cried a little watching it. The way the creature looked, and how it moved dragging it's face softly against the grass, set against this beautiful natural scenery (I almost expected a butterfly to land on it, it was

you sure do.

Yeah, it was kind of a lame way to introduce those characters. Not that bothersome though.

I'm going to steal that line Lunch Leaking, and say it as much as I can from now on.

I would so watch a show called "the further adventures of Deputy Dumb Shitkicker".

But seriously, how skittish and unmaneuvarable is a fucking a horse? It's like trying to steer a character from resident evil 2. Try dodging you stupid bastard!

Kinda like the Road, absolutely not one goddamn bit like Miller's Crossing.

I thought the music that was used for the credits was really good, but I mostly agree with you exploding barrel, even though I liked the credits sequence. But after watching what they used and the show itself, that fan-made credit sequence does seem cheesy. It would have felt really awkward against the tone of the

In everything I've ever seen, zombies will always chow down on any part of a living human. Now I find out that zombies eat bugs, and horses too. What I want to know is, where did the cliche that zombies only eat brains come from? The only time I've seen that is in that Simpsons halloween special.

All store bought costumes for me
My worst costume was a grim reaper costume, that i think was bought at sears. I didn't want to wear the skull mask though, and it didn't come with a scythe. So my costume was a just a thin brown robe. Didn't matter though, i was like seven years old.

the Office costumes? psshh boring. You'd just end up looking like a young republican.

Thank you Don Incognito, you expressed perfectly how graceful that metaphor actually was.

Jay S., are you saying that Peter Griffin, the fictional character, is the writer and creator of Family Guy, starring himself?

thats pretty funny grapabo, I liked it, but I don't see your point. It doesn't have to be this or the other. The song was funny, and so was south parks cthulu reference. It doesn't help your argument to compare two instances of the same reference to highlight how one is superior to the other. Shit, maybe someone

Yeah, I really disagree with people who claim that Matt and Trey are libertarians and South Park is their libertarian rant forum. That would imply that South Park has, from the beginning to now, had some consistent political view that would align it with some established political theory or party.

Iron Maiden was Timmy, man. jeezuzzzz.