El Pato

I like Glen, he and Sally are interesting forces in the world of Madmen. But he does look like he likes torturing cats.

Man, am I starting to hate little Bobby Draper though. What a wide eyed little suck-up that kid is.

Gotta give props to weenus too for his excellent "mememememe".

Well, I'm gonna be optimistic and say it's just some anorexia. I mean she's only flat chested in the pics where she's obviously been starving herself, then in other pics she looks healthier and her breasts look better too. If what you said is true, then it's just going to have to be one of those sanity destroying

Hey don't worry about it Schiels. Great minds man, great minds.

Pre-boob? whadayamean pre-boob, what happened to her boobs? Did…did something happen to Jennifer Connelly's boobs?…Tecumseh…what happened to Jennifer Connelly's boobs?

I think Jennifer Connelly was made to play Wonder-Woman. But I don't know, she hardly comes out in anything. What another commenter suggested, Morena Baccarin, would be a second best.

Does anybody else think that Will is an asshole? The way he takes advantage of that girl across the building and then horribly dumps her, barely does any work on his assignments, is generally cold and remote with everyone around him. Is he that way because he's a widower? Or maybe the job turns you into an

Chlorolorphorming? Hey but I'm glad she's had this baby and that she's fine, cause she looked like a pinata in that pink nightie.

It's SCDP. But maybe the names should be rearranged, to CDPS.

you can get a COKE ZERO and you'll fuckin like it.

I got it. Superman vs Godzilla
Surely, Chris Nolan's already thought of this.

Tartakovsky former AD, are you an Ayn Rand character? Or Ayn Rand?

Batman in Red Son was such a dope though. I mean, he became Lex Luthors puppet willingly. Batman wouldn't do that.

Brothers Quay? (derisive snort) thats gay, and retarded. Jan Svankmajer is the only man for this job.

I know, I really was just kidding. But I am still joyless and friendless, you got me there.

I got some rhymes for the house

well, maybe I'll just shut my big mouth.

the hell…me too, thats weird.

I think she's gorgeous too, but she's starting to look like Hellen Mirren in that picture.