El Pato

I agree with Endless Nick. All of his movies except the weird departures like Sleepers pretty much feel and sound like Annie Hall to me, so I don't get the backlash.

Stop ignoring it av club. Seriously. It just wrapped up it's first arc so I'm hoping a trade paperback will come out soon. I really hope you guys can say something about it because it's been the greatest story to follow for the last year or so.

Scarlet's okay. The main character is kind of unlikable, and the story is pretty conventional. Basically the same old story about a budding revolutionary against the system based on a desire for revenge, and the main character is not unexpectedly sort of a punk. But it's doing two things that I think are

I really want to understand Love and Rockets, I've tried before and I'll try again, but it just hasn't hooked me. With hyperbole like that up there, I feel like I have to keep working at it. So I'll probably pick up that book in the review, its sounds pretty good.

What a douche.

I loved the irony of that lawsuit. The creators of Emily the strange to keep their right to the character had to admit how unoriginal Emily is by comparing her with every other major goth girl character in pop-culture. I don't know if it worked, but its great that a character devoid of personality had to be stripped

Thats the most british thing I've ever heard.

Hey, dont give up yet skechers
You can still make your cartoon that doubles as a valuable medium for corporations to advertise to children. Just look at the success of Toy Story.

Yeah but wasn't Pokemon originally invented by Nintendo?

The Apple Sisters
That wasn't really funny, but it was kind of interesting. At least they came up with a different gimmick, setting them apart from all the other dime a dozen acoustic guitar, folk comedy troupes.

The crappiest twist ending was the one where there's a giant ant robot for some reason, and the way to defeat it was to stamp your feet on the ground, like you're squashing something. I don't remember which book that was, probably the one with the giant robot ant on the cover.

Anyone remember Pete and Pete? Man that show fucking ruled. And I used to love Are you Afraid of the Dark, but the only episode I remember is the one where some kids are camping and they're hunted by a group of bigfoots. I can't remember any of the good ones.

The cover was what I always looked forward to, like a cupcake where I would eat the frosting and throw the cake out the window. The art for those covers is still great, the kind of low-brow grotesque shit like garbage pail kids that could only be found around the early 90's. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed those stories

Puff Daddy?!
Its DIDDY, you idiot. You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong!

Tasha can keep her fantasies. It could be some kind of double-fake out, where they're just saying that it's fake, and the whole thing turns out to be M.Night Shyamalan's first Night Chronicles project.

What about Walk The Line? I'm just glad he's not around to see this.

Dammit, its not fun to kill them if they have no souls.


Well I guess you're not quite ready for that…but your kids are gonna love it.

You fucked it up red rover. WAY TO GO