El Pato

the FRUIT Monster?! Ay Caramba!

I think that making your work personal as a comedian or artist of any sort doesn't mean literally that your work must address your personal life. It means that there should be some evidence of emotion or care in your performance, something to suggest that you want the performance to be convincing even though its the

Scott's description actually makes it sound interesting. The trailer just damaged my inner ear.

Yeah Flaubert, it's pretty different. Not something that should receive the Zack Snyder touch.

Dammit I can't find the trailer for this movie. All I can find is trailers for the Joe Pesci movie "the Super", and for a Chilean comedy that takes places entirely in a supermarket, also called "Super".

I didn't like how comic-booky the trailer was though, with the letterboxes and comic sans font. The book's a graphic novel, but it feels really different, more like a storybook with lots of illustrations to help to the text and standard sequential panels. Still, simmonds can't draw a butt that nice.

Wow, I had pretty much written her off cause I've never heard of her, but that strip is great. I'll definitely check her out now.

damn, thats really good. thanks flaubert, but now i'll be pissed that this didn't become a series.

Good point. But Rabin makes it sound like she's just slumming it and is there to elevate the material. I mean "Imagine Theda Bara as the Woman With No Name". Yeah, and Chaning Tatum is like Bela Lugosi as fucking Han Solo. What in the pretentious shit does that mean? I don't know, but it sure makes Chaning Tatum

Milla Jovavich
is an awful fucking actress, holy shit, all she does is yell and tremble her lower lip. Her character in the fifth element was worse than Chris Tucker's. "She combines the enigmatic magnetism of a silent-movie siren with the badass bravado of an action hero". How the…What the…huh?

Has anyone played Silent Hill 4? I love that game, but it has the worst partner AI I've ever encountered, even though it's only present for the last bits of it.

I have nothing to say except great discussion guys. Keep it up.

Track seven "the fear"
Did anybody else hear the Godfather theme in it? Wonder if its intended or just a rip-off.

@half-remembered dream

I've never seen project runway…
Cause I don't care about fashion. But now I have to watch the rest of the season, cause I want to see either Gretchen or Ivy get a well deserved kick in the cooch. Bravo to John Teti for his brutal review, and for this fucking fantastic episode.

@Holland Oates

I tried to attend sunday school with a cousin for about two weeks, and we were told that just thinking of a sin, including taking in vain the lords name, counted as actually committing the sin. Immediately I said 'goddammit' at least 5 times in my head. From there I pretty much knew that there was no way the law of

It was a different actor playing young louie because this louie was younger than the louie in previous flashbacks. The father and son sex talk happened, i think, when he was in middle-school. I think this is right.

Thanks Nathan…
for commenting more on the rock selections. And for providing an exhibit of the single most adorable alternative rock video cliche: A group of like-minded outsiders gradually gather around the rock act, and start a whiny, limp-dicked mosh pit.

Ludicrous is charismatic and has good comic timing?
You should see him act.