El Pato

Katy Perry is really hot, as hot as she is stupid. But she's kinda gross too, Like Jenny McCarthy. The kind of girl who eats Doritos, then will hock a loogie in the air and catch it in her mouth. I'm not sure if that makes her better or worse, but i've been attracted to a girl who did that.

That's a very sober way of looking at it sacCCastro. I'm in total agreement.

I still say it did, No Cease Fires. I mean, that long wedding speech that the translator girl recited was there only to address, in the ways you just pointed out, exactly those things that concerned Miles personally. Otherwise there was no important information in the speech concerning whatever Miles was

A little of both, martin.

I thought the graphics were great too, perfect for the tone of the story. The philosophizing is basic, but it's told with understatement, and the clever gameplay gives it dramatic weight. Because if it was a shitty game, I wouldn't have taken the story seriously at all. It shows how much clever gameplay can help a

Its a fun, but really sick game.

My eyerolling scene was when Miles was listening to the Urdu translating girl translate the speech at the wedding. It was a corny speech about love and some shit that would work at a wedding, but it underlined really broadly what was going on between Miles and the translator, and it was meant to be poignant but just

Arundel, if the internet had some kind of award, and i had the authority to give it, I'd give to you. That was pretty funny.

it won the American Heartland Truly Moving Picture award. What more do you want?

Milla Jovavich
Why the hell does she continue to get work?

this isn't the sequel to doubt

is bad news.

I also have to balance my admiration of Nina Paley…
with my lack of impression with this movie. It is pretty original, and beautiful. But it only works for me in short bursts, like a music video.

Man they were never physically convincing as young, female, or child characters. It was their performances that brought the role across. Mark Mckinney always made the ugliest woman, and didn't really look like one, part of why it was funny.

Tim Burton doing stop-motion again?
Does anyone remember Corpse Bride? That's the reason Burton should never be allowed another stop-motion project. Never mind the writing and the terrible music, but the animation in that movie is so distractingly awful and stiff. The characters barely change expressions. Watching

That video is Texas Chainsaw Massacre terrifying. That last shot of that girl ambling around in the middle of that dark, empty, trash and probably hypodermic needle strewn field is the shit of nightmares.

Peggy watching the found footage thing
Loved the way she said "its RHYTHMIC".

I was kinda disappointed. I mean, I thought that finally, at the end of a season that was pretty weak on Huey's characterization, this episode was going to give him something interesting to say and do. But all he did was provide some action. Most of the episode was taken up by that Jack Bauer parody that

Well, thats it for now I guess
Pretty good show I think, that maybe made the art world slightly more accessible without pandering too much. Except for the challenges, the problem is that they were extremely pandering. I enjoyed the show, but enjoyed the review and comments far more.

I like Neil Hamburger a lot, it's great how he can make an entire audience look like idiots by provoking so much blind rage at an obvious prank. But does anyone else feel like he loses a lot of his power when he plays for an audience that came to see him? It's annoying to hear a bunch of people that are in on the