El Pato

I'm of the opinion that those two girls should be stoned to death for that stupid "pregnant girls are smug song".

Those chicks are fucking hot

But honestly, Anna Kendrick looks incredibly out of place in that movie. She was probably thinking of that exact role when she mentioned the difficulty of performing shitty lines.

Olivia Thirlby is pretty hot too. Somehow I connect the two in my head. Who wants to talk about Olivia Thirlby?

But she did look kinda sad and autistic. But that's a kind-of a mindfuck, I never noticed that Schwartzman is an exact male copy of Adrian.

Yeah really. It bother's me when an attractive, intelligent woman gets married. Like it lowers my opinion of them or something. I hate that about myself.

And she has perfect, perfect hair.

That dog in the apartment
after Louie took his first bong hit, was that the same dog? I thought it was funny that he asked "is that the same dog?", but I really couldn't tell if that was the same dog I saw when Louie first entered the apartment. I didn't make an effort to remember what the dog looked like, only that

So I guess Glee has turned into the Simpsons. And it only took them 3 seasons.

Yeah I thought this was going to be a survival horror game too. Just looks like some boring ass brawler that appears to succeed in nothing more than being a God of War rip-off with indifferently designed, sparsely detailed, bland environments.

No Don this week?
That's a mistake right?

Oops, thats supposed to be a period, not a comma.

About that Times article…
It talks about how much this show pisses off real artists, that it misrepresents them. But I don't think the show has been that inaccurate in it's portrayal of artists. The art school I went to was full of these exasperating douche-bags, and really the artists on the show for the most part

Man this looks like shit but…
I'm a huge sucker for anything set in hong kong or japan or whatever with all those neon signs, and those tall decaying tenement buildings. I'll probably see this. That french guy has some ugly lips though.

These tend to focus pretty unevenly on just the hip-hop
For once I wish Rabin wouldn't ignore all the shitty rock songs on these compilations. There's plenty to say about them I'm sure. Don't just give them a quick gloss-over in a single paragraph, they're equally important signifiers of the zeitgeist.

Also in favor of all the Jet hate. Any band with that fake, young, bluesy shit-kicker attitude makes me puke with rage. Just thinking about them…ugh.


I'm gonna go hit my kids right now.

I can really understand why Abdi asked that question though. Sure, it's up to the artist to interpret the idea through himself, but I think that when they told him that they didn't see any chaos in his painting, what Abdi tried to ask, out of frustration was "okay, if this doesn't work, what the hell would you

What?! You've blown my mind!