El Pato

Oh, of course! I forgot that I'm better than my whole family and 90% of the population. Hahaha how silly of me! Let me just (grunt) get back in my bubble of superiority…yep, there we go. Thanks Todd!

Thats an interesting perspective on peregrine…
and I didn't think of it, but Mark really was pretty passive aggressive. Considering that though, I still thought Peregrine's behavior was spiteful and childish. She seemed really difficult to work with, like when Mark asked her what her ideas were, she just shrugged


Well that's great for women to hear…
but who's gonna make something confidential to ALL MEN: are we great? I'm not delusional, and I'm not from a small town. So I actually need that confidence boost.

I think Peregrine might get nude next week. And Mark, he'll be nude.

What a bunch of Booolshit
No not really, this was actually a pretty strong episode. Everyone, even Ryan by his standards, had a point to make and something interesting to show, except for miles who completely disappointed. I mean, it was just squares, the completely awkward and ignored element of rubber band balls,

Can I assume that the people who have no problem with this are old enough to have known white when she was on the golden girls? I'm 24 and not old enough to have seen an episode of that show, and I think this meme is being generally aimed at people too young to have seen it. So really the meme is meant to be

"tornado and uhhhhh perfect storm"

c'mon rabin, this episode was funny
Louie's completely deadpan reaction to the fight between the cabbies. That old man staring daggers at him for about 30 awkward seconds after he chuckled at him. Louie responding to whatever that guy on his cellphone was saying. That heckler "Say something about Mobile!". And how

That was pretty damn funny.


Smoked shark though is fucking tasty.

My fear of sharks, stemming from jaws and its fucking poster, used to be a lot worse where I would never go to the beach, and as I got older I learned to enjoy the water with a resigned acceptance of my own mortality. But I still can't get in a swimming pool alone. When I'm in there, in a quiet backyard, and I can't

weren't these guys on Drake and Josh or something? Those guys sucked! Look at these fucking dicks, with their easygoing confidence and uh…muted wardrobes. Yuck! Matt Kretzmann can Kiss My Ass.

I don't know, some of his work that the show presented in a montage when they introduced him was kinda cool. But everything he presented for the challenges was dogshit.

I don't know how to feel about the guy. He acted like a complete sack of shit, but it was in response to what he perceived as a lot of flagrant, unchallenged, disengenuous douchebaggery all around him. Part of it I think was culture-shock, from knowing nothing about the art world your whole life, having

I copied and pasted this email to my urban studies professor about a young boy drafted into the us army who discovers he's a wizard and must defeat a killer clown who lives in the sewer of his small Maine town before traveling backwards through time to witness the last supper and finds a secret code about the meaning

David Foster Wallace, I Win.

Whenever that hat shows up in any episode, you know it's only there for a specific gag; Bart coughing it up, Homer's shirt dyed pink, and my favorite, Homer finding the hat on a box in the box factory, mistaking it for Bart. "He's a box. My boy's a box! DAMN YOU! A BOX!" is probably my favorite Homer quote.

"The animation made impressive use of stylization to cover up its cheapness…"
"…characters don't really move so much as dance between a set number of poses". Yeah, you said it. This a huge problem with hand-drawn animation these days, from good cartoons like the DC universe animated shows and direct to DVD movies,