El Pato

I still think self-inflicted pain, cruelty, or repulsive acts of sexual deviance can be pretty shocking (2 girls 1 cup). But what I mean is that I think shocking people in a social setting is easy, as long as the act itself is presented bluntly enough that it causes the viewer to defend their own morality. If Eric

Another great moment for her was when she said, with complete humorlessness "He has an awfully long penis".

I mean is

She really does

The piece dares me to defy it, so I will, even if it hurts…BZZZZZT OW!!

Another disappointing week
More dull, creatively constipated efforts from these artists. They can't loosen up for one fucking second to actually engage these challenges in any fun or creative ways, they're too navel gazing. Every opportunity for shock value seemed wasted. Nao had all the elements for a

She was practically bursting out of the picture plane

What the hell are you talking about? Dustin Hoffman's the villain? He was a smug asshole, but those cockney village hooligans were the villains. They killed his cat for no reason. They raped his wife. He even tried to be nice to them at one point, serving them beer, because he was too scared to blatantly make

How shitty can animation get?
What kind of people made this piece of shit? This makes Fly Me to the Moon look like Beauty and the Beast.

Abdi's Sculpture
Man, I really thought the opposite of Abdi's sculpture. I think it was impressive for how quickly he sculpted a human figure, especially considering how much he was struggling. But I know I've seen that shit about replacing a human figure's head with a TV a bunch of times, and its just a worn out


"Yeah, Wachoo Want?"
Did anyone else notice the weird similarity between Jessie and Oscar now that Jessie has been forced to execute some guy he barely knew? Seeing his expression just before he shot Gail reminded me of that kids face when he shot Combo.
And I'm still on Walt's side even though he's acted pretty