Grrr Argh

Yes on all counts. So much to unpack.

And a platonic male/female relationship at that. It's really become something special.

Congrats. Binging network dramas is not for the faint of heart, or for those who value convenience. Your experience takes me back; I was a latecomer as well. Worth it!

I knew that artificial intelligence would eventually take over, but I didn't know it would be THIS gradual. But I admire its priorities.

Don't panic. My computer is having trouble registering the grade. It's supposed to be an A.

The review is up on the main page now and the grades have been added.

It's a very weird series, which is actually a good thing. It's creative, ambitious, and not afraid to be strange. What's important is that you're watching so you can argue with everyone about it!

We'll see. That's like white privilege, but even better.

No. I'm just watching live, like a plebe.

I'm glad that this Maslany suggestion is getting legs. Too bad she's wrapped up in her own show, which can't return soon enough. But maybe? Make it work, people!

Hannibal thinks he has Will trapped so he can save him from himself. Instead, somehow he's in rehab, despite the fact that he's sometimes forced to engage with Hannibal. I guess those bars can do wonders. They're freeing in a way.

I will have a lot of respect for TGW if Alicia is single in the end. The thing is that this endless love triangle meant that the Alicia/Will storyline was at a standstill. Maybe she's still with Peter because they knew Charles wanted to leave. But something had to give. I think one of the reasons Charles wanted to

The thing is, I think this specific death worked thematically. For one, I give them some leeway because they never go to the Grey's well. Also, the randomness is what's so appropriate and tragic about it. Like the review says, Will did important work but he was sometimes too ambitious and too risky. Law is dangerous;

Oh jeez. That made me more emotional than that actual episode. I knew that this next one was going to be a doozy, especially after reading the Kings' letter. Heaven help us.

You're fine. That's a good distinction to make. Good talk.

Yes. When people refer to other people as Greek letters, based on a methodology used to describe animal behavior, they're doing so hierarchically. They are saying that some people are better, that Alphas are fit to be society's leaders and Betas are inferior. You need to go look up the way MRA's and other misogynists

That's exactly why it's wrong. It's not OK to categorize people in some kind of arbitrary hierarchical way, especially when the people who do so characterize the most powerful, alphas, as having some very problematic, macho traits. When sensitivity would probably make a man a beta male, and therefore superior to his

It's about fleshing characterization out, not realism.

Even if she got that specific term wrong, how does that disqualify the rest of what she says?

Yes that's true. Maybe that's another symptom of their hubris, that they'd act like they'd come up with the idea on their own. They're such an interesting, crazy version of typical conservative patriotic Christians who usually praise the military, for example, instead of picketing soldiers' funerals.