"Living Witness" is season 4!
"Living Witness" is season 4!
I don't think Voyager on the whole is bad (though a good number of episodes are) as much as it is bland - many episodes are watchable, and then as soon as it's over, immediately forgettable. In the first three seasons there are only two episodes I really enjoyed - "Projections" in season 2 and the season 3 finale…
I wasn't able to watch this episode when it originally aired, as I was busy that day getting ready to move 900 miles away from home to go to grad school and get my first apartment and all that. So I taped it, and when I was able to watch it - at like 1 AM the night before I was going to fly out and leave all my…
I think this picture, from the DS9 Companion, is a nice sum-up of the feelings from this episode (and review). http://imgur.com/J40L5hR
"It's easy to be a saint in paradise."
For some reason, the first thing that almost always pops into my head when I think about DS9 is that ATTENTION BAJORAN WORKERS line from "Civil Defense."
When "The Changing Face of Evil" first aired, and I saw that extended
scene with the crew booting up the Defiant and doing all the prep work
to get underway, I remember thinking that this was going to be a setup
to kill Nog off in the forthcoming battle, to be kind of a punch to the
audience. He was maimed in battle,…
Most of B5's special effects, especially in the early seasons, were hopeless even at the time. For B5 to look good now they'd have to do a TOS-on-BluRay style total overhaul, throwing out all the old CGI and making new ones from scratch. (All those scenes with Kosh "streaming" out of Lyta's eyes and mouth - those are…
The Ceti Alpha VI version is no longer available for purchase in the prime universe.
They should have quit with "Crossover." That one was well-done - for a standalone, the Mirror Universe's over-the-top cartoonishness was fun. But the subsequent MU episodes drag us along into plots and characters that couldn't possibly work, and I really just didn't care about the travails of Smiley and Mirror-Tuvok…
Computer, end program.
I don't really get all the Archer hate. No, he's definitely not Picard or Sisko, but he also doesn't have 200 years of Starfleet knowledge and experience to draw on. Earth is the new kid on the block - excited and curious but also very naive - and they act like it, which is embodied in Archer and the other (human)…
I wish we could have seen racial diversity among the Bolians. Like some are blue, some darker blue, some greenish or purplish.
Enterprise's second season had some…problematic episodes, to be charitable ("Precious Cargo" and "A Night in Sickbay," anyone?) but it also had some bright spots too - "Minefield," "Dead Stop" (whoa, continuity!), "Cogenitor," "First Flight," "Vanishing Point," and a few others.
It's notable that the Voyager companion book goes in the complete opposite direction and has absolutely no interviews or commentary about episodes beyond synopses. (Instead we get occasional "more information" boxes with things like a glossary for the only-slightly-different terms and phrases used for things by the…
"The Passenger" is definitely worse than "Distant Voices." Much worse.
I think Commodore Decker says the exact same line to McCoy in "The Doomsday Machine."
"Rules of Engagement" wasn't very good, really. The Klingon lawyer was fun, and the last scene ("you'll wish you'd gone into botany") was strong, but the rest was kind of a waste. One of Our Heroes is accused of destroying a ship with lots of innocent civilians on it - but, of course, he can't be guilty of that…
You mean his landing party! They weren't called away teams until TNG.
This is Star Trek. There are 47 shades of grey, of course.