Ah, okay. I've never seen Mad Men, so I was totally clueless about where this was coming from. Thanks!
Ah, okay. I've never seen Mad Men, so I was totally clueless about where this was coming from. Thanks!
While I don't like that episode much (it's only marginally saved by Leeta's boobs), there are a handful of other episodes I'd rate lower. "The Passenger," "If Wishes Were Horses," "Melora," "Meridian," "Fascination," "Profit and Lace," and "The Emperor's New Cloak" are all worse in my opinion.
Forgive my ignorance, but I've been seeing these "Mad Space Nine"/"Not Available On" comments here for weeks now, and I have absolutely no idea what these are references to! Can someone enlighten me?
Season 5's "torture O'Brien" episode is "The Assignment." Season 6 doesn't have a clear episode in this vein - you can make the argument for "Honor Among Thieves," and maybe a stronger one for "Time's Orphan," but those aren't as obvious as, say, "Visionary" or "Hard Time" were.
"The Begotten" is a great episode (it's such a rare treat to see Odo happy, and the scene where the baby Changeling mimics Odo's face is adorable) hampered by that god-awful B-plot. What a waste of Shakaar.
I've always found it rather difficult to listen to a Wings/solo McCartney record from start to finish. Most of them have at least a handful of pleasant to really good songs, with the rest being pablum. (Maybe poppy, melodic pablum you can hum along with, but pablum nonetheless.)
@avclub-2ca062d79513a7fcdaeb92782d0da583:disqus How're things up in Glossta?
Except in Boston, we call them rotaries, not roundabouts.
Speaking of stardates, has there ever been an instance where a captain's log or personal log or some other recorded entry with a date in it ended in "point zero"? I can't recall any, it seems like they're all .1 through .9. Minor issue, but it bugs me.
Brunt finally comes out of the closet in "Profit and Lace."
Can't wait to see RJS's take on "Nor the Battle to the Strong" in a few weeks.
I love just how utterly bored Weyoun sounds in next week's episode as he's giving the Jem'Hadar who interrupted his dinner their vials of white.
I wish Rex Denning's name had been Herbert instead.
Man, if only this were true.
Man, if only this were true.
Well, there kind of is a callback, later on this season in "The Muse," where we see the title of the novel Jake's been working on.
Well, there kind of is a callback, later on this season in "The Muse," where we see the title of the novel Jake's been working on.
Suppose this is as good a week as any to ask this silly question: preference on the season 1-3 theme music as opposed to the reworked season 4-7 arrangement, that we'll be hearing next week?
Suppose this is as good a week as any to ask this silly question: preference on the season 1-3 theme music as opposed to the reworked season 4-7 arrangement, that we'll be hearing next week?