jonathan johanson

I'm pretty desensitized about observing dead people via the media. And not ashamed to admit it (anonymously of course. although i wish jonathan johanson was my real name). Maybe it's all the movies I've watched over the last 24 years, etc. I'm sure that in person viewing David Carradine's hanging corpse would creep

i second that. if used sparingly, there is no better prank than the rick roll.

I take it you guys don't have any moral objections about the photos being leaked if you are asking other people to describe it for you. You just don't want to look in case it gives you night terrors? It's a picture from behind so you don't see his genitals. I doubt they would post a dead guys junk hanging out on

And you have never masterbated before I'm guessing…

i don't get it

Really? I thought he was only popular in Manitoba

Rock Plaza Central - …at the moment of our most needing
What the crap avclub? why no review for this yet? their last album was on your best of 2007 list and will appear on the 2009 list as well. has it only been released in Canada so far? is that the reason for the slack? if so, i apologize. that being said, you

Rock Plaza Central - …at the moment of our most needing
What the crap avclub? why no review for this yet? their last album was on your best of 2007 list and will appear on the 2009 list as well. has it only been released in Canada so far? is that the reason for the slack? if so, i apologize. that being said, you

Power Outage
I started watching during Steve's third attempt and shortly after the power went out on the Kong machine and Steve had to start over. Nice guys always finish last:(

The Minch is right*

The Minch is write about his last album, it was really good from front to back. The only other album worth getting is his double disc live one.

My only complaint about the over-the-top music in Lost is that it cuts back on the dialogue a lot.

How nice of Mr. Deacon to take some time away from loitering around pichfork hq. I don't blame him, considering they would give him a minimum 9.67 rating,if his next album consisted of him rapping while making fart noises out of his armpit.

SHAME on Neil Young for writing a progressive concept album about fuel efficient cars!
WTF? It's a pretty serious subject, and why not sing about something you are passionate about? Neil Young is a great activist, and it shouldn't be frowned upon. Would you meatballs rather hear him write some generic lyrics about

Rose and Bernard
Whose wants to start a pool regarding how many more episodes it will take to get some sense as to what purpose Rose and Bernard have on this show?

We shouldn't forget that LaFleur never really forgave Sayid for the torture he inflicted on him in season 1 (possibly 2)

B.A. Johnston - Hobo4Life


I'm really confused. Is this how actually good or is everyone being sarcastic?