jonathan johanson

They kind of started hinted last season that Juliet and Sawyer were going to be an item. Especially the scene of them on the beach when the freighter blows up

I'd rather listen to her play with her boyfriends The Sadies. Those guys put on one helluva a high energy show. I saw them a couple months ago and they played 52 songs (mind you a lot of them are 2mins long or shorter).

I'm way more shocked he has never seen Seinfeld. I can't really think of any other major network comedy sitcom that was up to par with it in the 1990's besides the Simpsons. I'm not too familiar with DMB mainly because the biggest douchebag I went to college with had seen over 10 of his concerts.

Smile! You are under arrest host facing major irony
Since this article wasn't remotely close to being newsworthy, I thought I would offer something better below. The hater or someone else on this site has discussed this show before, and this is a big development, plus a kick in the nuts for Fox:

I see dead people

And Sayid was in the Iraq army and the USA is currently fighting a war there.

Sayid probably beat the crap out of Ben i mean.

Sayid probably beat the crap out of Sayid, but I bet it had something to do with Ben killing Penny. The authorities are probably flying Sayid out of the country because he isn't a US citizen.

It didn't look like it was Ben's blood on his face though. It looked like someone elses. I'd prefer Desmand seeking vengeance with Ben then being all lovey-dovey with Penny.

I think he'll be a spy. But for whom? My best guess would be Whidmore.

Jin, Farraday, etc are obviously infaltrating as Dharma people for some reason. But why? To get off the island? To survive?

99% of Playboy subscriptions come from Federal Prisons. I don't think they are allowed to use the internet for things such as: facebook, avclub, porn, etc.

This is Howie Do It
'Howie' and 'mediocrity' should never be in the same sentence. That is being way too generous to Mr. Mandel

You're just jealous that Pierre has never and will never name you his MONSTER PLAYER OF THE WEEK! As bad as Pierre is, I'd listen to him any day over Bob Mckenzie.

I enjoyed your story Mr. X.

I was at the Wrestlemania in Toronto when The Rock beat Hogan. It was easily the coolest match I have ever seen live. It sucked out the energy of the Jericho main- event, but HHH being in the match also contributed to that. I was the only guy out of the 60 000 people cheering for The Rock, and in retrospect I am

What little respect I had for The Rock disappeared after watching Operation Filmmaker. The People's Elbow still might be the greatest move of all time though.

Faraday probably went insane because he fried his girlfriends brain. Maybe he snaps out of it when the oceanic plane crashed.