Midnight Noon

Hmm… Yeah, she would be a good choice. My other pick would be Alfre Woodard.

Guess this frees her up to play President Coin in Mockingjay, a role I'd be surprised if someone else gets.

At the risk of having tomatoes thrown at me, I'm just going to point out that Vampires Suck is slightly better than their other stuff. It manages to stick mostly to one topic (Twilight) and the Kristen Stewart impersonator is spot-on.

Friedberg and Seltzer weren't involved with 3 and 4. Remove them (and the Wayans Brothers) from the equation, and you get something that's at least somewhat funny.

They did.

You've put way too much thought into this.

I doubt our kids will even know these movies existed when they're old enough. The jokes would be so dated, they wouldn't even bother trying to understand them.

The phrase "…and loving it!" actually originated on "Get Smart" (a better Brooks creation).

Thanks to Craig Moss, I'm sure this will only be the second worst Hunger Games parody ever made.

"It's all right". All the consent I need.

Roman Polanski: What, just because I'm Jewish you think I did it?

It was statutory treason.

If there ever was a time for Tupac to emerge from the Jamaican hidey-hole where he's been spending his retirement these last 16 years, this is it.

Whenever I see the Battleship trailer, I always say, "from the makers of Duck Duck Goose, Got Your Nose, and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich".

I'm surprised they haven't done an I&S yet that was a deliberate crossover with Saw or Hostel.

Note that that movie opens with the family seeing an Itchy and Scratchy movie (if not THE Itchy and Scratchy Movie) in the theater.

Man, I used to LOVE quoting that line to people and then explaining to them what it refers to.

Keanu Reeves in "Speed Reading"

Was Michelle Nyqvist a typo on the part of AV Club or MTV? I'd believe either one.

It's… watchable. One of those easy-to-digest crowd pleasers that go on to get Oscar nominations but don't hold up to close scrutiny.