Midnight Noon

Did they name the kid's twin brother Aragorn? I know of a couple that did that too.

If they get another new guy to play Hulk, he'll be the new John Connor.

It was dedicated to America's grocery clerks, whose ineptitude and greed inspired it.

As of this episode, the Simpsons have been on every continent.

Lobster rolls and yogurt.

Nobody tells DJ Request what to play!

I was disappointed that 'The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard" wasn't brought up. Seriously underrated movie.

The Bad News Bears remake was definitely a disappointment: I continue to be infuriated by the MPAA's need to prevent kids from hearing a word they all know and freely use, and Sammi Kane Kraft is no Tatum O'Neal. (Though hopefully she won't grow into present-day Tatum O'Neal.)

There was a pretty good parody of Cold Comfort Farm and movies like it called Stiff Upper Lips.

I did enjoy the line, "In the 80s, coke was all the rage. In the 90s, it was grunge. Now it's vampires."

Live-action Cartman was played by the guy from "Angus"!

When Kenny walked off the field mid-game, the exact movie it reminded me of was "Summer Catch", where Freddie Prinze Jr. walks off the Big Game for roughly the same reason.

(Lisa prays for the church doors to unfreeze so they can get out)

I've never even been to church, probably because I'm Jewish.

Idiocracy does a good job of setting up the future we're about to see, through a prologue establishing that the world keeps getting dumber because idiots reproduce at a much faster rate than everyone else.

Sandler is just as likely to cast her in something at some point. He LOVES putting random celebrities in his movies and giving them nothing interesting or funny to do.

Oh, hell yeah. I was thinking the same thing.

A.W.E.S.O.M.-O, you've done it again!

Nah, Sandler never hires anyone as a lead who wasn't in "Grown-Ups". (NOTE: I'm not sure if Nick Swardson was in that movie. I don't plan to find out.)

The Destruction Of Sennacherib? Is that a reference to Pam on Archer?