Midnight Noon

Yeah, I used to like Kevin Smith, but then the 90s ended and I kept getting older, while he just stayed the same age.

I remember a review of On the Line that pointed out that, when listing the Presidents, they forgot to mention Cleveland twice.

Guess that means Jet, Train and The Cars will never do that "Planes, Trains and Automobiles Tour" I had in my mind.

How would Renfro be available?

Quick! Call up Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Brad Renfro and see if they're available!

Not sure if this was meant as an intentional error on Ivan's part, but when he said, "Sometimes a wolf thinks he's the alpha, when in fact he's the zeta", shouldn't he have meant the omega?

Sabrina found the Manono idol, which she had to give to Colton. That left only the Salani idol, which Kim found and got to keep. Not sure how they would have worked it if no one from Manono had an idol on the new beach. Maybe they would have hidden an idol that wasn't tribe-specific there.

I'm guessing Colton will be invited back for an all star season somewhere down the line, and it will be interesting if he were put on a team with Brandon Hantz. They're both horrible people who are still too young to know any better, but their backgrounds could not be more different.

In Bruges was set almost entirely in Belgium. Though the heartrending list of sins on the murdered Irish kid's piece of paper ("being bad at maths, being sad") stays with you.

"Chico and Rita" finally opened in Los Angeles, so I saw that. Story is a bit cliche'd. (Still haven't seen "Cat in Paris", but so far "Rango" deserved its Oscar.)

"What's more important to you? Happy cats, or an Ireland free?!"

Ivan has the same awful haircut as the one my roommate always gets. It's eerie.

In life, I have learned that movies in general make terrible first dates, because you can't talk and get to know each other, and if you barely know the person to begin with, you might as well be sitting next to a stranger. Bad movies, particularly bad comedies, make even worse first dates, because you're sitting next

For some reason people are always afraid to blindside someone with an Idol. I guess in order to do it they would have to secretly conspire behind his back and hope to God no one blabs.

Yeah, she really cougared it up.

No "Wild Things"?

Hey soul seester, is that Meester Meester on the radio?

Ya know, it only shows how much clout Sandler has in Hollywood that he can get a comedy about an Israeli commando who worships Mariah Carey and fucks cougars greenlit.

Nah, only Uwe Boll and his brilliant "Producers"-like accounting does that.

Hot Rod > every Happy Madison movie.