Midnight Noon

Try saying Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg ten times fast.

You can pretty much say that about any Sandler movie. The guy's got lots of celebrity friends and LOVES to give them pointless cameos.

They said Chris Weitz was an odd pick to direct a drama about Mexican immigrants, and that turned out pretty decent. Actually, I think he's shown that he's able to direct a wide range of different genres.

All Spader has to do is join a third series well into its' run, and he'll BE Ted McGinley.

Post-glory days Simpsons > The Office today

He's not dead. His brain is, though.

Before he leaves, I hope they explain how in the hell he talked Kathy Bates' character into handing him the CEO job. The series has drifted farther and farther from reality for a while now, but that development really was a case of "this is what happened, shut up and play along."

The novels Striptease and Hoot by Carl Hiaasen. They're not in themselves particularly dense, but the movie adaptations lose Hiaasen's satire about the destruction of Florida. This particularly goes for Striptease, which is basically an attempted comedy about a stripper fighting a vicious custody battle.

Well, it IS Homer Simpson's favorite Mafia movie.

I actually think Burton missed out on an opportunity for satire by not adapting this book right after "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The U.S. President had George W. Bush written all over him.


I totally thought Julia Roberts would pick one of them over Richard Gere in "Love is Nice".

Anyone else hear the theme from "Team America" in their heads when they watch trailers for this?

I am gonna miss Justin Long.

How sad is it that Rumer Willis auditioned for that role and lost?

I for one am hoping they find a way to rope in Jennifer Aniston for an awkward Leprechaun reunion.

I love how, after Duke pays the Webster people to make quizibuck a word so he can win at Scrabble, a doctor later uses it in a sentence.

Paul Blart and 30 Rock should not be used in the same sentence that way.

I suppose that with this and the deaths of three major characters last season, they can now promote Owen Slater, Esther Randolph and Manny Horvitz to regulars.

The thing I remember about "Bridget Jones 2" is the Thai prison scene, which is… not very pleasant in the book. 
For the film, I could just see the studio executives wringing their hands, wondering how not to turn it into "Midnight Express". 
Ultimately, they decided on having the inmates launch into singing "Rike A