Midnight Noon

So it's like 25th Hour, but intentionally funny.

I find it weirder that it's probably the only instance in recent memory where the title isn't a pun or parody of something. It's like if "Homer's Enemy" were simply called "Grimes".

Because the writer's name is Cameron, it took me more than halfway through the essay before I understood that Cameron is a girl. When I read the first paragraph, where she mentions being a "gay kid", I thought the South African girl was just someone "Boy Cameron" dated before coming out later in life.

I like the way he uses "we" when he talks about the Giants winning, and "they" when he talks about them losing.

Funny thing is that Labor Day would have been an even more appropriate dumping ground to release this film.

Or late April or August-September.

Romney is what I name my shower mitt. Don't forget to clean where the sun doesn't shine, Romney!

DeBrie Bardeaux for Sue Storm or GTFO.

Do you think his ghost still haunts the bordello where his bullet-riddled body was found?

Definitely one of the better Hollywood parodies on "The Simpsons". (These days we get "Homer the Whopper", which this publication gave a bafflingly positive review to.)

I knew the twist of "The Crying Game" long before I saw the film. I enjoyed it anyway, but Dil's secret seemed pretty obvious when she first appeared on screen. I mean, just look at her hands!

I blame this movie for the oversaturation of 3D the following year, to the point where I had to travel a couple of towns over to find a theater playing the 2D version of "Toy Story 3".

The nut shop is a front used by thieves tunneling into a bank? Isn't that the plot of "Small-Time Crooks"?

I disagree about Ace Ventura 2. Jim Carrey didn't seem to have an "off" switch in that movie; I liked the occasional lapses into semi-normal that he had in the first one.

So… starring in a mediocre remake directed by John Singleton?

Yeah, I somehow doubt the plot will lead to child soldiers and AIDS.

Similarly, Stephanie Meyer named the baby in "Breaking Dawn" Renesmee because she wanted a name no mother would give her kid, but it's become a name moms are giving their daughters now.

Let's not forget Sofia.

She got Miramaxed!

For many filmmakers, TV (especially premium cable) is the last remaining place where they have creative freedom. Moviemaking nowadays just limits them to PG-13 Marvel sequels.