Midnight Noon

Yeah, it's kind of sad that Rob C has been somewhat forgotten as the seasons have gone by. (Add to that his rather quick eviction from the All Star season.) But he really is one of the show's great strategic nerds.

It's fascinating to see how haphazardly people voted in the first couple of episodes. The concept of the "voting alliance" didn't come about until like three episodes in.

Every time I see a hitchhiker, I think of "That's My Dog" and keep on driving.

You do realize that by this movie's logic, doing so would leave @avclub-784376e390129e4655fcd64d1e1e68c3:disqus completely unharmed, right?

Actually I think the PG-13 rating was created in response to criticisms of Temple of Doom's PG rating.

Ehh… I still like it more than "Temple of Doom". God damn, Willie and the kid were annoying.

I thought it was "fleshy waist".

"I DIDN'T EVEN have to use MY AK"


No one's mentioned Kate Hudson yet. She has a filmography memorably described by Entertainment Weekly as "the kind of stuff that's always playing at 30,000 feet and makes you wish for a parachute", but even she can't drag down the awesomeness that is "Almost Famous".

No, Hayden's just bad. (See also: Jumper. Doug Liman's made some great movies, but Hayden Christensen's just a complete tool in it. Making Jamie Bell the lead character would have improved it.)

Know who didn't return for this? January Jones.

Third one sucked. They couldn't even come up with an excuse for Oz's absence.

Most actors who use their full name do so because when they joined SAG, there was another actor with the same first and last name already there. (There was probably already a Sarah Parker or Sean Scott in the guild, for instance.) This DOES create the strange effect of always calling them by that full name whenever

Ah, Bushwacked… Say what you will about that shitty movie, it had a great trailer. (It made fun of the trailer for "Cliffhanger". Y'know, that movie Renny Harlin directed with Stallone. Damn, I'm old.)

Well… Here's hoping Stanley Tucci channels Probst when he plays Caesar Flickerman in "The Hunger Games".

I really don't get the appeal of Chick-Fil-A. It's not bad, but I still prefer In N Out. (My sympathies to the people in the 47 states that don't have an In N Out.)

I really like her, but man, I wish she wasn't a dead ringer for my ex (minus 30 pounds).

Hey, we are like the Waltons! We're also waiting for the Depression to end!

That's some brilliant wordplay in the review. Welcome, new guy. Or girl. Hayden is kind of a unisex name.