Midnight Noon

Get Him to the Greek
The soundtrack album to this movie contains a bunch of well-made, hilarious songs by Russell Brand's Aldous Snow, as well as Jackie Q (Rose Byrne), who's like Lady Gaga minus the lyrical subtlety. I would love to hear more music by them.

My First Kiss
Every now and then this column directs me to a song that I missed for whatever reason (I don't listen to much radio), tells me it's terrible, and I listen to it and think, wow, this song is awesome!

The Ten
Did you notice that Ken Marino's character's name, Glenn Richie, is the same name as the doctor he played in "The Ten"? (Guess this takes place before he gets sent to prison for murder and is raped by an inmate who looks EXACTLY like Blake minus the makeup!)

Though they do now plan to split Mockingjay (I'm assuming it's Mockingjay) into 2 movies, so who knows.

C'mon, even Hollywood isn't THAT stupid.

Until the next film, anyway.
Bring on Finnick and Johanna!

Yeah, I didn't really care for it overall, but holy God damn those reform school scenes haunt me.

#17: Reform school.

President Snow
When they cast Snow, would we even get an announcement? He doesn't really appear until the end of the first book, so I'm wondering whether they're going to go with some surprise stunt cameo.

Truly the Troy Donahue of his time
That's what used to be said of Paul Walker. Which would make Cam Gigandet the Paul Walker of his time.

The Independent
Many of the films by the Russ Meyer-ish director played by Jerry Stiller seem like a real hoot. I especially like his "feminist trilogy", three films about women in society that have the same actresses and script, but are set during different eras:
"Wrath of the Sabine Women" (Stone Age)
"Kent State…

I read that John C. Reilly was "in talks", which is a pretty good sign that he will be cast.

I think Homer was just inventing kids out of thin air, but was probably subconsciously thinking of Milhouse when he mentioned the weiner kid.

I'm surprised no unrated version of Lakeview Terrace exists. It's not a Sam Jackson movie if he never says "motherfucker".

Community was never funny.

From the director of "George Lucas in Love"
Ever since that brilliant short film, Joe Nussbaum has only found work doing shitty teen comedies.

It would be first if you go by years, not necessarily events. Think about it.

I just want them to do one that ends with Kyle Reese going back in time.
This would give the series a circular timeline, therefore ANY installment would chronologically be the first!

Guns N Roses should have officially ended after 1994. "Chinese Democracy" should have been released by The Axl Rose Band, and, let's face it, years earlier when people still cared about Axl Rose.

Hopefully this movie won't be made by Adam Sandler's Happy Madison…
"The House Bunny" was based on a much darker premise she came up with, you know.