
I bet they would do anything to be able to walk back Barb's death after seeing how enamored people (inexplicably) were with her. If they hadn't literally shown her decayed corpse, I am sure they'd have come up with a way for her to be back for Season 2. And I'm equally sure that, if they'd been shooting the show while

There's a "For Your Consideration" poster for Shannon Purser around Los Angeles that's a missing persons poster for Barb, complete with fake tear-away strips with a phone number at the bottom. It's simultaneously fascinating and head-scratching.

This whole "renew shows before a season airs" thing is eventually going to bite someone hard in the ass. Maybe not this show (I hope not this show), but there's lots of shows that had one great season and then flailed around like dying fish for a few forgettable-to-bad ones.

Teenage me thought that was the funniest thing humanity would ever invent.

You can tell he's from the lesser Haringtons because there's only one "r" in his name. What a boorish oaf!

Well, since you know Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell), Finn Jones (Danny Rand) played Natalie Dormer's brother (Loras).

Just to close the loop, you do know that Iron Fist was originally on Game of Thrones, right?

That show must've had a great international distribution deal or something. Other than "this cast and creator had a lot of promise," I heard nothing good at all about it.

I think it was "Black Felon Featured In Oscar Montage"

If there's one thing I learned, it's that diagnosing people based on what they post online is 100% accurate.

On second thought…maybe not? That comments section is the sort of thing you need a shower after reading.

Fair enough. I was a little aggressive, but this is all going to be a rough transition as is. I think that was an easily anticipated concern, and it comes off as user-unfriendly, so I wish you'd put that in the post so people would know there's a technical reason for it.

I have friends. I totally have friends. Friends, friends, friendly friends. I have all the friends!

Frankly, much better than freezing to death or drowning.

It is an aggressively hostile choice to not make that available pre-transition.

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done…

Sorry, good catch.

Well, the kinja change sure, but the layout change I feel like has to be seen as a bigger issue. The broad strokes of this website's layout haven't changed in a long time. Yes there have been tweaks and adjustments, but the basic flavor has been pretty consistent for years.

Yeah, I can see Kinja being at least workable, but the visual design is painfully bad. I totally get that Sean and Laura are sorta stuck with the change, but I can't believe they're not pushing harder for a better design before they go live. There's going to be so much resistance anyway, you'd think they'd want

Just wait until the Green (Chile) Wedding. That shit is crazy.