



"Remember this boring guy who was a boring villain on this other show where he apparently died? Guess what! He's back! And somehow even worse!"

"R.I.P. Alexandra, the latest in a steady line of Marvel Netflix villains (Wilson Fisk, Kilgrave, Diamondback) to be as compelling as the heroes."

For many, many moons, I have let this domain run "unobtrusive" ads because I wanted to feel like I was doing my part. Those moons may have passed.

I just don't understand the layout of those pages. Why is there so much wasted space? Why is the article weirdly offset to the right? Why is there so much space between every element?

You guessed it…

Look at you with the actual ability to articulate what I sort-of-vaguely knew but couldn't express. Thanks!

Rickon really learned the wrong lesson from watching Prometheus.

He's both a pretty garbage person and, at very best, a thoroughly mediocre actor. That he could ever be in a position to be at the top of a most paid list is stunning to me.

Boy did I misread my comment and your question. I'm just going to let it ride. At this point I'm committed.

Short answer: yes

I totally agree. I never would've predicted that seemingly-functional, tailored fall/winter wear is so much more attractive than diaphanous silks, but there you are.

Given what they've done with him (nothing), they definitely should've sent Bran to the Lady Stoneheart box of unused characters. Even learning the origins of "Hodor" wasn't worth the utter pointlessness of every second we've spent looking at Bran on screen.

Ian McShane has to be really disappointed with this season. A surfeit of dragons, and a dearth of tits.

It's almost like completely reworking a film that's 2/3 of the way finished because you decided that hiring comedy-first, improv-heavy directors was not really what you wanted for your brand-synergy-driven-prequel wasn't a fantastic idea.

Whatever else is happening with GoT, Dany's wardrobe this season has been magnificent. That white fur/feathers garb she wore in this week's episode was worth the price of admission. I might've liked that outfit better than I liked the fight with the white walkers, and I definitely liked it better than every scene at

The show seems to have quadrupled down on making absolutely dead certain that the audience knows for a fact that Jon is both Dany's aunt and the trueborn heir to the throne, while simultaneously making absolutely dead certain that neither of them find out.

Oh man is season 3 of that show a hot mess. Not that it's necessarily anyone's fault. I get that it was largely produced under heavy network supervision, because season 2 didn't quite work for anyone, but the end result was so bad. Even though the movie was merely mediocre, it was a lot better than season 3.