
TIMEZONES ARE STRANGE, because the eclipse is already over where I live.

Which would explain the portentous "NEVER AGAIN" disclaimer at the bottom of the last "Keyboard Genuises."

If that link doesn't go to Kif Kroker, it's definitely not the definitive version.

I like that iTunes apparently has surge pricing.

This is like the Doctor Who episode "Smile," isn't it, where the only way to fix sadness is by killing everyone?

Except when paying my employees and basic safety back ups are concerned, then I will spare every expense.

62% here and it's overcast. Was still pretty cool to see, but definitely didn't get the super awesome halo effect.

I'm not shocked they're bigoted, but it's pretty bizarre for a place that wasn't even a state and which essentially played no role in either the Confederacy or the war would have bothered.

By the end of the war, the leadership in the North was sick of fighting it, and there was a very strong perception that reuniting the country needed to be done at all costs, including welcoming the very architects of the war back into the fold with basically not much more than an apology.

I think we all came here to say this. What the fuck, Arizona? Seriously.

Stop projecting.

Army has lots of brilliant individual moments of physical comedy and Bruce being great, but it doesn't work as a movie at all.

2 is just the perfect combination of horror and slapstick. It takes everything great about the first and just does it so much better, without slipping into the total inanity of Army.

Original at the end?

You aren't. He's using them as greater than symbols, not arrows.

So he's not a great motivational speaker, is what you're saying?

How does current anxie feel about it?

Given the alternatives of "raped by a vine," "turned into a zombie," or "sucked into a medieval hell," lyme disease seems like a pretty pleasant option. Though, it's a worse option than "chased by a camera while someone makes whooshing noises."

I mean, that would be their best alternative? But it would still look horrible. Jenkins was responsible for the studio's first unqualified, universally-beloved hit. For them to balk at paying her would look awful, no matter who they hired instead.

Has anyone ever made a pass at adapting that series? Those books were, one might say, foundational in my love of science fiction, but I feel like they have a very low key pop culture presence.