
In fairness to the deity/quasi-deity/whatever that the Lord of Light may or may not be, there's no reason to assume that what Melisandre is doing is actually in accord with any of her religion's teachings. We only have her word to go on. For all we know, she could be like the Westboro Baptist Church version of his

I didn't say that I would never work with any Trump supporter. I said I would never forgive people who lied to themselves and others that he was something other than what he plainly, obviously is, especially people in a position to communicate that message to the public, many of whom, clearly, bought it hook, line,

The other possible explanation is that the adherents of the Many-Faced God (and, to a lesser extent, the Seven) are correct, insofar as it's a monotheistic conceit with a deity who chooses to manifest differently to different people depending on its whim.

Here's the list of people who I'm willing to forgive for defending Trump as not racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-science, antisemitic, Islamophobic, etc.:

The most fascinating question is that, with this movie on hiatus, does that mean that Paramount will let Henry Cavill shave his mustache for Justice League reshoots, even though Superman is totally dead and definitely not in that movie?

Oh, yeah. Well, certainly in the show, there's been nothing whatsoever to indicate that those returned to life by the "lord of light" are anything but reanimated humans. The "cold wights" have many explicit signs of being merely reanimated corpses. Neither Jon nor Beric do.

I know know what genetic homogeneity coefficients mean in a technical sense, but quickly perusing the post-conquest Targaryen family tree is a hilarious nightmare. She'd be lucky to even have bone.

I always knew Hot Pie was the Carrot Top of Westeros.

This is my pure speculation. I have no insider knowledge for this answer.

Yes. It keeps making the front page. I need to set up a filter for that.

I think one of Martin's (many) problems with finishing his own series is how many almost entirely unrelated conflicts he has running around with no apparent way to either bring them together or to resolve them.

Nonsense. That's to support the massive cosplay wig production aftermarket.

Having grown up skiing, the part that makes me craziest about those shots is none of them having eye protection. I know that sunglasses are massively anachronistic, but spending a day trudging through that environment without any eyewear would leave me basically blind.

This point has been floated quite a bit and the answer is that, since we've never seen it attempted in the books or the show, maybe!

Remember when the entire gun-obsessed portion of this country rose up in a single, unified voice of horror and denouncement when a man who was legally carrying a gun at a traffic stop and calmly informed the police officer of such was mercilessly gunned down and left to die in front of his family?

Wow. That's totally fucking mind bending. Even more mind bending than Nazis in the US. Thanks for the response.

So long as he similarly understands that he needs to spend every day until the next IF series shoots in a dojo learning how to fight.

With the caveat that my only exposure to Clueless is the movie, the art style for these comics strikes me as pretty weird. I would've expected some more along the lines of cell shading. Bright, smooth colors, sharp lines. The muted watercolors (they're probably not watercolors, but that's what they look like to me)

I mean, you could've said "He went to raise his family after working consistently on TV shows for 15 years" which I would've accepted without comment. I'm not sure where all of the snark came from.

Conversely: you can not say anything.